Does anyone here get this magazine? It’s a bit pricey for a US subscription (print edition) and is there
enough ‘heritage’ content to be worthwhile?
Yes I get it when I pass through the uk… good articles, great pics… first marque specific mag I have ever seen for Lotus… deserves support… believe there is a lower price digital subscription
Thanks Phil. Correct, digital is lower priced but I like flipping the pages. .
I have both digital and print. Personally I prefer to read magazines with the document in my hand, but I travel a lot and having the digital edition allows me to finish reading the latest issue or easily refer back to an article in a previous issue.
The magazine is very diverse regarding Lotus related content. It mixes historical road car and race car along with current insights and information. It?s not a technical magazine (how to rebuild Weber carbs).
Well written, lots of photos, always has interesting articles that are worth reading. They are very interested in hearing from readers who own Lotus cars, so if you have some good photos and are articulate in your writing style, this is your opportunity for 15 minutes of fame (I have been published twice so far).
Yes, it?s a bit expensive but there are no other Lotus magazines on the market. So from my perspective it?s priceless.
I’m thinking the same, Glen. Thanks!
I get it and would observe that it is considerably more informative than the other single marque magazines I get.
There is a lot of useful Elan stuff but stuff on moderns, the Lotus bikes! and other interesting historical stuff.
The last issue had my little Sprint in it so I have to like it
Would it be feasible to buy the whole set of 6 and ship them to the US in one go?
I just received exactly that.
My one complaint is finding the time, peace and quiet to read them!
I got the 6 back issues starting at number 1 for my birthday (thanks SWMBO!) and I now have it on subscription. Watch out for a heinous SuperSprint article in a future issue
As mentioned above it?s a bi-monthly issue, so you don?t tend to get overloaded, the articles are well written and interesting and you get to see what others are doing ( certified Lotus )
Interesting article about the sQuba Elise.
They are written very well and I feel as if a lot of research has been carried out in each article.
I generally love the magazine, good articles on both modern cars & the legacy models. That being said the article on Elans was not good… no mention of FHCs & the S4 was a Sprint wannabe & then no Sprint in the comparison at all…
I agree with you. Using a modified Elan s1 to compare it against a virtually standard Elan s2 was also a bad move. I do not wish to offend the owner of the s1 because I do really like it but I would personally have used a standard example.
issue 11 out now
The article on the Eleven was great.
What a turn up…??? spoilers.
I agree with you Graeme. The Elven article is amazing, Made me so jealous
I have a friend with a similar car, no original vin plate but sufficient info to make it original, he wants me to buy it and I want it off him. Once the 26R is finished, I’ll get it (if I can afford it )
Best regards, P
Are you guys trying to wind me up , Or are you missing the fact that two members of this forum took the time and trouble to be featured in the current issue. Laying their cars bare for criticism and delectation in equal measure?
3 Elans featured on the front page of an international magazine and not a peep of support or derision received from anyone here.
What?s a Lotus Eleven?
I am very sorry, the Elans where fantastic. I love that brown plus 2, it was so cool.
Sorry for not mentioning them before but I was just adding to a previous comment.
Best regards, P