Zetec to type 9 clutch question

Hi There

For those who have done the Zetec to type 9 thing…

With the 1.8 flywheel and clutch assembly from a 1.8 Mk1 Mondeo, and using the Burton power type concentric clutch, can anyone remember what spacer they used on the concentric slave? I have mine set up with a 19mm which is exactly right, but I do not think the cover plate is self adjusting, in which case I would need a smaller spacer to take into account future clutch wear. Perhaps 12mm? Unless the standard OEM cover plate is in fact self adjusting.

Anyone trodden this path already and could advise?

Many thanks



I have done some experimentation with an old Zetec flywheel and clutch, and with a standard the clutch cover we are looking at about 7mm (max) movement of the clutch fingers over the life of the clutch.

So the spacer required would be 12mm for this set up.
