Wiper motor switch replacement

Hi Guys

I have the two speed W14 (I think it is) motor, and no wiper switch mechanism, or at least none I can get working. What modern replacement can I use, preferably one that does not need a relay? If there is one that has push for intermittent or activates the motor and the washer pump then that would be even better.

Hopefully then I can change the actual knob for something more period.

Many thanks in advance!


What switch arrangement do you have now? It doesn’t sound like the usual two switches on the facia.

Quick edit: After a look at the workshop manual I’m guessing that you have the manual system, one knob that actually is the washer pump and the wiper switch. I’ll retreat to the garage now as I’ll be of no help. :blush:

No switch, thats the issue, I just have the wires from the motor.

I have ordered one of these…


Will see how it all works out.

All the best



I am having a bit of a battle with my 14W at the moment because if I connect the park wire it blows the fuse on parking.

All the best


Hi Berni, the wiper switch that you show in the Ebay link will not work correctly with your 14w wiper motor as it does not make the same connections internally as the original switch.
The o/e switch has 4 terminals and works as follows :-
Off connects terminals 1&2
Slow connects terminals 2&3
Fast connects terminals 3&4

Terminal 1 connects to the wiper plug pin 2 with a white/yellow wire
Terminal 2 connects to the wiper plug pin 5 with a yellow wire
Terminal 3 is switched 12v feed and is not connected to the wiper plug
Terminal 4 connects to the wiper plug pin 3 with a light green wire

Wiper plug pin 1 is an earth (black wire)
Wiper plug pin 4 is a 12v feed from the fuse box (green wire)

The switch that you have merely connects a common pin (B) to the others in turn… see below.


Hi Brian

I am not doing well here am I haha. Looks like it will be going back to the ebay seller.

Rats and thank you again!


Hi Berni, Before you send the switch back try adding a relay into the park circuit as shown in the second diagram below … I presume that you have wired it as per the first diagram…


I cut the back off the standard switch removed the rubber bulb and replaced it with a spring and micro switch that operates the washer pump via a relay.
I 3d printed the micro switch mounting. Quite happy to share the file if anyone is interested.

Hi Brian

Thank you so much.

I am going to try this tomorrow if i get the time or otherwise at the weekend.

Will let you know how it goes!

All the best


Hi Berni
I’ll be interested to know if the relay breaks the connection between the yellow and white yellow wires before the switch applies +12v to the yellow! If you find that you’re still blowing fuses then I can come up with a diagram using a change-over relay…


Hello Brian

You appear to have won a prize. Following your advice above the switch works and no longer blows a fuse on park. The relay is energised when the wiper is at the park position, but I guess that does not matter as its on a switched live so no battery drain issues.

Great thinking!

Many thanks


:+1: :+1:

Pleased it worked for you Berni.

There is a modern alternative to the original switch but it comes at a price… Lucas Replacement Wiper/Washer Switch 155496
