Windblocker for an Elan DHC

Has anyone been successful in making a windblocker for the Elan DHC?

My wife hates the Elan ? that wasn?t her attitude 30 years ago before we were married, of course.
She?s quite right in saying that the car is noisy, smelly and draughty, but that?s what attracts us big kids. However the thing she dislikes most is the backdraft, and since being driven in my nephew?s Boxster where there was no backdraft due to it being fitted with a nylon mesh windblocker, she wants to know why I don?t swap the Elan for a Porsche. Women (except Anna), are such philistines when it comes to classic cars.

In an attempt to meet my wife halfway, I made a prototype windblocker from 2mm thick acrylic sheet by forming it as best I could to the shape of the roll cage, and tied it in place with cable ties. Bugger me ? it worked.

I now need is to make a more professionable looking job of it by making a windblocker from black nylon mesh like all the OEMs add-ons.

Does anyone out there know a source for such nylon mesh?

Brian Clarke
(1972 Sprint)

Sounds like a great mod. Might help me too in getting the wife to come out in the car. Will you post up some pictures and designs when you have finalised it. I might have a go at making one. Would it be possible with a rollbar-less car.


I made one out of the plastic sheet a couple of years ago.

Seemed to work fine. Same script, set into a roll bar. However, if you go on a decent run you find that it increases the velocity of the air around your bum region. Places were air can leak past. Being the big five “O” (oldish fart) this year, I found this “not good” and got some funny pains.

Best compromise was remove it and run with the drivers window down. That seems to neutralize it. Her “in doors” seem quite happy with her side and hat on. I do believe that the opposite calms the passengers side but stirs it a little bit for the driver.

While she is happy “don’t ask”.


it may be worth looking at the possibility of clipping the mesh to the main hood hoop & modifying the the hood cover to permit that hoop to be erected.

Time to leave her at home methinks :laughing:

I agree !!! :laughing:

I wouldn’t try to make MY Elan look like an MGF… :wink:

:arrow_right: Matthew

Time to get her to leave home methinks

Tony W

If she is 50ish you could always swap her for two 25’s :smiley:

You think you could swap a +2 (type 50) for two F1 cars (type 25) …+2 prices may be rising but not that much :open_mouth: …or have I just got a one track mind :laughing: :laughing:

Two 25’s are a tight fit, my console cover got knackered.

I still think you can’t beat a well balanced pair of 40’s !!!
… but then I too might have a one track mind !!!


Come on lads less of the smut,Brian wants a supply of nylon mesh,let’s try and help him out…The first thought that comes into my mind is, I suppose ,the waring of fishnet stockings has long past amd maybe" her indoors "has a supply tucked away in the bottom drawer?

John :blush:

Maybe a marine supply store carries mesh?

Women these days… Buy her the boxed set of The Avengers, the Emma Peel Years. :smiling_imp:

Maybe the fiberglass screen used in screened porches would do the job. Several weights, including “dog proof” are available at home improvement stores such as Home Depot or Lowes - I’m sure there are equivalents in UK. Cheap, light weight, etc.
Ken Evans
NW Florida

How about using the veil that came with your wife’s wedding dress? I expect it’s still tucked away in the box under the bed. :sunglasses:

I think John had something more like this in mind but I cant really see how it would help much with the wind :laughing: :laughing: but your car would stand out :open_mouth:

There’s a very dense mesh cloth sold for keepng weeds from setting deep roots in flower beds. Comes in a roll as wide as an Elan. Check out your local gardening supply place.

Or, the hardware store for nylon screen replacement Probably won’t be as wide, though.

I recommend a nice glass of Bombay Sapphire after two hours at 85 mph through the could night in light summer clothes.
The hardest thing was the swash of air when the Audis* were passing at 120 mph and more…



*There were of course Mercedesses and BMWs - and Vauxhalls too :cry: