Whilst taking the vacuum pod thingys off, to sort the rust before it went through, I snapped the bottom stud. Can I replace it or do I have to buy a new unit? Please bear in mind that I have run out off money on the rebuild (well alright the wife saw my credit card bill) and just want to get my plus 2 back on the road.
They were originally brazed on, at least mine were. I would expect that if you could get someone to mig weld a new bolt/stud on quickly enough to not melt the diaphragm you should be good to go. I would make sure that you did have the diaphragm up as far from the heat as possible. 2 or 3 quick spots should hold it on.
I mig welded a replacment 1/4 unf bolt on no prob once the brazed lug was removed and all trace of braze removed . Like previous post put diaphram in up position to be on safe side .