I have a TTR fast road exhaust on my S3 Elan and found it a little too loud for normal conversation. Subsequently I added a mini muffler which toned it down a little while still maintaining that nice twincam sound.
I would like to purchase the TTR fast road exhaust version for my Plus 2 and I wonder how other owners feel about the noise level of this model. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to add a helper muffler so I will probably be stuck with whatever TTR supplies.
What do others think? Are there other alternatives besides the standard unit?
I’ve got a different setup, header & mid-pipe from RDE, and silencer from either SJ or Kelvedon (can’t recall exactly which at the mo’) and I’m quite pleased. Sounds great without being too loud.
With these kind of exhausts you need to know what’s inside it. If it’s packed full of fibreglass instead of metal baffles it’s unlikely to stay quiet for long.
Are there any opinions on the noise level of the TTR fast road silencer for the Plus 2?
I have the large bore version. I find it loud for cruising.
I tried a intermediate Cherry Bomb style muffler for a while but the clearance issues made it impractical. Ross Robbins told me he had success with this approach on his Zetec, but I think his ride height might have been a bit higher.
I bought some baffles to insert inside the straight pipe but have not tried this approach yet.