Where do I attach the other end of the secondary throttle return spring on my S3 SE? I had the carbs off too long and forgot where the other end connects.
Thanks in advance!!
Where do I attach the other end of the secondary throttle return spring on my S3 SE? I had the carbs off too long and forgot where the other end connects.
Thanks in advance!!
There is a hole in the bracket next to where the cable nipple is fixed in the bracket, it hooks in this hole.
Brilliant! Thanks, guys. One last question, the spring hook just barely stays in the hole and didn’t take much to hook it in. Does it need to be pre-loaded by winding it around again or is it sufficient to leave it as-is?
The spring is the mirror image of that on the Dellorto, i.e. it hooks in from the flat side rather than the flange side of the bracket. When I removed the Webers I kept them together as a unit and the spring came off with the assembly so I know I didn’t replace it backwards. Don’t know about the P.O. though. See photos above. Even hooked into the hole it doesn’t look any different.
Leave it as is…it should not need to rewind (dont even know if its possible ) the Webers and Delloto’s do have different springs.
Once again, thanks very much!
is this spring unique to the Elan or available from any Weber specialist? My throttle return is poor and was going to address this with a bracket to hold the cable in a better orientation, but this seems like the preferred solution.
Darren, I added a bridge across the carbs and attached two coil springs to pull the throttle upward, toward the stop. You can see it in this pic. In fact, I eliminated the haircoil weber spring entirely with this arrangement. This way, it was easy to adjust the throttle tension by swapping out, cutting, or adding springs.
That said, I have since gone to the Magard system and love it.
Greg Z
There is an alternative for Webers. RD Enterprises (and perhaps others) markets a low profile kit that relieves stress on the cable and provides superior return action. I didn’t notice where you’re located, so I don’t know what your access might be. Also don’t know where the hardware originates - perhaps someone else does.
I tracked down the manufacturer (I think).
See fuelsystem.co.uk/
I use their TLK1/W which seems exactly the same as TTR’s.
Superb super smooth action and return.
(must get back to wiring gremlins).
Soooo…as per Darren’s question, are the original haircoil springs available to suit Weber? I’m keen to try the original setup after various makeshift arrangements have let me down, usually on dark nights, on winding roads.
Yes they are - in the UK any aftermarket supplier would have them - someone like Sourn carburettors in Wimbledon UK do mail order - see here.
both the dellorto and weber springs are listed here
sjsportscars.co.uk/partsanda … mit=search