TC engine no

I am affixing new Ident. plate. The letter prefix for my original TC engine no., according to Lotus, is an “F”. The engine stamping looks like two “T’s” one right side up one upside down almost making an “I”. The five numbers are easily read and are identical to factory record and ID plate.

Was it normal for some of the engine stampings to be wrong or is it a code for a replacement engine?


Can’t speak to the nuances of Elan engine numbering, but a unlike a chassis, any replacement engine would have a completely different number.

Even if Lotus would have liked to keep your numbers matching, the foundry was under Ford’s control, not Chapman’s.

It does sound like you have the original engine, regardless.

I found the original data plate. The engine number prefix is shown as an “I”. This matches the engine block lettering but as discussed does not match the factory records which were e-mailed to me by Lotus. Maybe they transcribed the “I” as an “F”. Anyway, it is now as original and completed.

Several small items remain to be completed and the restoration is finished.

Ready to begin self disassembly in the finest Lotus tradition.
