Superb S3 SE Drophead 26R/BRM STYLE Road Racer !

This is a stunning 26R/BRM Styled Elan S3 SE Drophead ( my Dream Elan ! ) , with all the right bits on it ( QED Fuel Injection , 450 cams , Re-inforced Lotus Chassis , AP Brakes , Quaiffe LSD , Close Ratio Box with Alloy Bellhousing , TTR Exhaust /Suspension etc etc ) … since full rebuild has only been used sparingly on the road ( but could go back on the track ) … its actually a bit too good for me & would be a shame to take all the racing tackle off it ... as Im just a road softie !

So , just giving the heads up here first , before preparing to put on pistonheads … for sale at 39,950 ( you couldn`t build it for that ; ) !

Serious enquiries only please : )

Paul .


That looks REALLY nice! I?m shocked you?d want to part with it.

As a further nod to its roots I do wonder what it?d look like with polychromatic orange bumpers :sunglasses:

Hi Steve ,

Apparently it did have orange bumpers from its racing past ... & Im secretly hoping nobody wants it … then I can convert it to purely road spec` without the lads criticising me … keeping the lovely arches & wheels of course ; ) !

Cheers ,

Paul .

It really is a lovely looking car Paul

Best of luck with the sale



Thanks Mel ,

I dont need too much luck ... Im more than happy to keep it ; )

Cheers ,

Paul .

Caveat Emptor, re:- BRM Moniker.
Car 1st Reg 1st Jan 1967

That?s a nice looking S3 and a very nice price considering what has been done to it. Good luck with your sale!

Hi Paul,

I too have a S3 that was converted to 26R by the original owner in the late 60’s. He died in the early 70’s and his son took over the car. He crashed it while driving on the street over the icy winter of 1974-75. I bought it in crashed condition in 1984, then a year later, when I was just getting started on the restoration, I was able to purchase a local Lotus Eleven S2, that took precedent. After a 3 year restoration, I raced the Eleven in vintage events for many years and then a FJr.

Now I am preparing to commence the restoration of the 45/26R. I would like to know where you have sourced the front arches, front bumper and headlamp covers. Are they from Tony Thompson?

I noticed that you also have relocated the radiator farther into the nose and I looks like an aluminum one, source?

I’m not going to wish you luck in selling your car. I think you should keep it!

Thank you,


Thanks Roger ,

Thats great you have an S3 45/26R too ... they do look fabulous ... Id like to think , if Lotus still made the Elan today … it would be in that style !

Apparently my car , was a stored bruised old Racer , already in the 26R/BRM guise with the arches etc ( but is an S3 & not purporting to be anything else ) in a Private Club Members ( now deceased ) Collection ... before being bought nearly 20 years ago by the PO ( a fellow long standing & respected Club Lotus Member & Engineer ) , who commenced a superb no expense rebuild ... adding the fuel injection , new alloy rad & various upgrades on the way … before putting it on the road .

We were at TTR recently … & the arches do look the same as the original 26R style that Eddie supplies … so , I would certainly recommend them . Of course they sell all the other trick-bits ( I have substantial TTR invoices ; ) , if you want them too !

Sometimes you only really know a car by owning it … I was expecting heavy steering with the big tyres ( it`s not ! ) … maybe some harshness from the TTR drivetrain ( not really ) … & the fuel injection certainly tames the semi-race cam : ) !

However , I will never go on the track … & I should keep the car … but some of the racing elements I just don`t need … so there is a brief opportunity for someone else … before I make it purely my own guilty pleasure ; ) !

It will be very interesting to see how you get on with your rebuild … please keep us all posted : ) !

Cheers ,

Paul .

Hi Paul,

You have one hell of a car there, I met the P0 back in 2010 and had some silly idea that I could afford to by it. The PO showed me his rebuild album, everything was beautifully executed with great skill. I probably have this wrong but if I recall correctly it was built from a racing shell/car which was one of a trio. I also seem to recall the team or maker/modifier of the shell began with W?. That was 9 years ago so my memory may be playing tricks. It wasn?t wearing the BRM nose badge or cam covers then, but a standard cam cover with BRM build plate, it was so beautifully put together I just wanted it so much. You are a very lucky man to have it and Inwould keep if I were you. It?s a one of a kind and perfect in my view.



I`m intrigued, which of the “upgrades” would you want to remove to improve the car for road use? What makes them undesirable?

The only drawback I could imagine would be that I?d bet it?s quite loud (maybe I?m wrong, often am). That said today?s Elan useage is for most short journeys and living with that would be easy. If you were gong off on 250 mike plus trips every week I could imagine it becoming draining.

Paul, keep it you?ll be sorry.

How about a few more shots of it?

Thanks for the info` & comments Guys : )

I did ought to keep it … but the car certainly has a foot in both camps ( road & track ) at the moment … & is a very acceptable road car too ( some would say superior ) … but if I keep it I will change one or two things ( out of preference not improvement ) … mainly because I`m the “Oddball” ; ) !

It was easy to set the TTR Fast Road shocks to a softer road setting … & Ive already replaced the track tyres with slightly smaller road tyres ( 195s on the back & 185`s on the front ) … all to good effect …

However , I ve been driving ( & lovin ) Elans on the road for nearly 40 years now … I regularly go everywhere , anytime of year , whenever the weather allows … & what I love about them most , is the original soft , supple compliant ride & beautiful handling , on our now camera ridden imperfect roads …

So , I would change to TTR comfort spec springs ( most people wouldnt … the ride is good as it is ) … bring back the donuts ( oh yes , preferably the Spyder version with just one each side ) , as I love a cushioned drive line … & detune the cams to 420 spec` ( sacrilege a voice says in my head ; ) !

But , as I said … the problem really is me … the car is Fabulous as it is !

I`ll sort some more pictures Steve : )

Cheers ,

Paul .

Evening Paul .
Your S3 looks exceptional , hope you get a quick sale .

Thanks Greg ,

I`ve got a couple of good interested parties … & I took the Elan for a courtesy MOT today … it walked it of course … & even the lights are Fabulous !

Cheers ,

Paul .

Crikey, that is utterly lovely. i dont suppose that you would have any interest in a px involving a series 2 lotus 7 would you…?

Hi Will … I do like 7s ... but Im getting a bit too old & infirm for them ; ) !

I was thinking about advertising for a swappers … but ideally it would have to be an S3 drophead ( or S4/Sprint at a push ) , as I prefer the later cars to use on a regular basis …

It would also ideally , be a bit of a suitable project ( need paint/bodywork ) so I could put the 26R Arches on … but keeping the rest of the car pretty much standard …

If anybody has such a car … feel free to get in touch …

Thanks Anyway ,

Cheers ,

Paul .

Paul, my car is still for sale, probably not of interest but I thought I’d mention it.
Sorry to be of any bother, I just want to sell it as I want to get my s2 painted and back on the road.
Best regards, P

Hi Peter ,

Im surprised Paul Matty hasnt sold your car … Ive not seen it in the flesh yet ... but it looks good for the money to me ( probably a bit too good for my purposes ) ... has Paul said why he thinks it hasnt sold ?

Cheers ,

Paul .

i agree - it’s pure beauty - awesome: … PLUS + AND imo: the orange bumpers (on a brm) seem to be trying to steal the optical show, so one doesn’t need them!! sandy