Sue Miller - Spring/Summer 2019 catalog

I visited her last week and she mentioned that she’s working on the next version but, hey, I don’t think this one has been posted before. I see that in the past there were some flamewars about posting Sue’s catalog but the final result appears to have been that people approved. So I hope this posting doesn’t offend anyone.


SueMiller-SpringSummer2019.pdf (1000 KB)

Did you by any chance get the +2 catalog as well?

Sorry, I didn’t. I didn’t even know there was one… :frowning:

Thanks for this. I’ve updated my 2017 list with it.

Good man Nick, I hope you had Tea & Biscuits with her! :smiley:

Thanks for posting this for those of in the antipodes!

But of course! She’s a gem.
