stupid late night question…
Viewed from the front which way does the engine turn when running, clockwise or anticlockwise?
Clockwise…and distributor turns anti-clockwise
Correct indeed, a guide to analysis is that the cam chain tensioner needs to be in the slack section of the chain. The crankshaft pulls the exhaust cam then the inlet cam. The tensioner works on the slack between the inlet cam and the jackshaft. Ergo clockwise rotation seen from the front. Ideally the tensioner would be between the jackshaft and crankshaft sprockets, however the load on the jackshaft is very small and it would have been very difficult to place the tensioner in this ideal location during the modification from ENFO pushrod to Lotus Twin Cam. By the way, a minor clue is offered by the timing marks on the front cover. The BTDC markings are counterclockwise from the TDC mark, as seen from the front. I love it when multiple indications point to a uniform conclusion. Not always the case with our Supreme Court (intended for US subscribers).
true, many indications, but late at night I missed them all…
Anyhow the twink is now turning (cams and crank in unison).
Now all I need to do is get them timed (one is 8degrees out the other 10!)