Hi guys
I have a strange problem with a water leak. When the engine is running there’s no leaking but after around 10 mins of being stopped I have small amount of water on the floor. ive checked all hoses and fitting with no leaks.this engine was built around 8000 miles ago buy a Barry ely sports cars and I have a bill for £14000 from the previous owner (Ouch) which states a new pump with a second hand cover. I presume the old one was scrap.
Any ideas I keep a close eye on the coolant before I go out but its a bit worrying and I don’t want to pull the head unless I have to as the weather has just turned Huh.
I wouldn’t rush into tearing the CH off yet! I presume the coolant temps are normal both stationary and on the road, with correct operation of the cooling fan and no signs of airlocks (heater bypass working?)
I’d suspect a hose clamp or a split hose, remember the coolant temp and pressure will rise in the minutes after switching off due to heat soak.
Worth tightening all the clamps when they are hot. I’m presuming you’ve observed carefully underneath in the minutes after switching off.
That sounds typical of a leak at the water pump weep hole (small hole in bottom of pump) it allows a small amount of water that is bypassing the seal to escape without going into the bearing. New W/P seals sometimes do take some time to bed in and weep slightly …and some never seal! Have a close look under the pump to see if there are any water drops around the weep hole or any marks from antifreeze. It can be difficult to see and a small mirror sometimes helps.
I’ve been having the same problem for a few years now. Everything was sealed for many years and after changing the antifreeze, a few drops of it would leak when the engine was stopped. It stayed the same for several years. To stop the mess with the antifreeze, I made a small change with a drain hose. The minimal loss of antifreeze no longer bothers me.
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A little bit of weepage from the hole is normal. Mechanical seals use the coolant as a lubricant. If the faces are not perfectly flat, they will weep a little. The important thing is to check the condition of the water pump bearing, which is adjacent to the seal assembly. Grab the fan and check if the shaft feels loose. A little movement around 1-2 mm is tolerable. More than that, it’s near time to replace the water pump unless you feel lucky.
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That’s great guys.
I have checked the bearing no play at all and checked all hoses fittings also removed the pulley to see if any fluid drips. Not a bit so I’m going to let it go for now and keep checking the bearing
cheers all for your reassurance