Soda Blasting - experiences


I’m looking at Soda Blasting as a short cut on prepping my bodyshell.

Has anybody had this done, if so how were the results and what were the costs ?

I’m based in Liverpool and finding it hard to locate somebody who can undertake it.

If you have any ideas on locating somebody who offers this service then let me know. So far I’ve tried searching the yellow pages for Balst Cleaning and Graffiti removal to no avail.

One firm told me it should be possible for anybody doing other types of blasting to also do Soda. Does this sound reasonable?




The following company was featured in Classic And Sportscar magazine a few months ago

Soda-Blast UK ltd 0121 706 7772,
I also saw an advert after that item for another company I think called UK Soda blast.



Barry have done a couple bodys with soda and had good success. The nice thing with soda you can back the preasure down and take off paint and primer in layers if your operator is skilled. Both my bodys where off the chasis and doors anf lids removed. I paid between $800-1200 US for this work. I would also recommend you remove and and all grease and oild from the engine bay and under side of shell as that slows down the blsting process.
They used 50-55 psi and the he used a special blaster for soda only. Both shells stoped at gellcoat. He even removed some body filler in a couple areas so I could check repair work from PO.
I had to ravel about 90 miles to find the gent to blast as no one local did the same work.

Best of luck