There are many threads on the subject but nowhere is it described how and in which order the pods are screwed to the headlight actuator bar.
I have installed a new vacuum pod with new springs. As it is failsafe, the pods without vacuum must be at the top.
Currently the pods are not fully up without vacuum, when the motor is running and the vacuum comes on, they don’t go all the way down either?
Do the pods have to be firmly screwed to the actuator bar, or which parts are fixed and which are not? Perhaps someone has the exact procedure.
Is it not shown in the workshop manual?
[Edit: Yes it is:]
Look carefully at the diagram, particularly at part 7, which is a sleeve that the spring end pivots on (instead of being pinched by the nut & bolt (8 and 9 respectively). Also, washers (part 11). If you assemble per this diagram, you should be able to get yours working.
The height and drop are set by the bolts threaded into bobbins in the body, with rubber bumpers fitted over the bolt head. In practice the one that hits first sets the height for both. The springs should be strong enough to force the pods up against the stops. IF you have not fitted the springs correctly it may not hold them up. If they are really mismatched perhaps set the one nearest the actuator while having the farther one loosened from the bar, then tighten the farther[RH] one after setting its stops
Thank you very much for your input. I have now checked the assembly and it is as you suggested. The lamps are now moving correctly. Only the upper stop is a bit shaky, so that the headlights probably wobble a bit while driving on bumpy roads. More than the force of the two springs does not push the lights upwards. Is that normal?
Check all the pivots. The bolts wear the bobbins out or sometimes the bolts break
Both up and down stops are adjustable. The rubber covers on the bolt heads wear over time, disintegrate, and may be missing. The bolts are poorly shown as item #30 in the parts list ( … acuum_%2B2 ) and the covers aren’t shown at all.
After the pod travel is determined, adjust the stops to apply just enough pressure on the pods to prevent the movement you’re experiencing. Don’t make the stop pressure too much as it will eventually cause cracking of the fiberglass at the back of the pods.
I wanted to spread that load over a bigger area on my car. I made stop bolt pads that are about 7/8” in diameter and softer rubber.