Question on the fitting of window trim components

One of the down side to buying a +2 in boxes is I didn’t get to see where various items fitted. Also, while I realize this question has been asked before I couldn’t quite figure out the answer from the posted replies. My first question is whether the “furry” window strip gets fitted in position A or B in the cross section sketch I have attached. The second question is whether anybody knows where the drilled metal strips go in the attached picture - they were in the box with door components but may or may not belong to the door (or for that matter a +2, as I have also come across some assorted non+2 bits in the boxes)

Good info and pics in this thread. I have it bookmarked for when my doors go back together, It’s been a long time since I took them apart. :unamused:

Answer to first question is position B. You need a set of tiny clips to hold furry strips in place.
I don’t remember the drilled strips, but others may know better.
I have a set of detailed instructions somewhere and will post here if I find them.

This is the most frustrating, time-consuming and nail-breaking job - have fun.

Here is the article which I found very useful. You need the “Reassembly” section in conjunction with the workshop manual. … r_Overhaul


Thanks to everybody for suggestions. I got the trim, weatherstrip etc. installed. A certain amount of swearing to fit the chrome trim to the clips but it’s on and shouldn’t fall off.

Well interesting that Bud posted that 2010 link since I went back and read it and it’s hard to think back about where you were at certain times but I can assure you 11 years later that the doors are great and the windows work and everything fits and I used dumdum on one side which did sink a little and no longer available so on the other side I used this 3M part #51135-08578 black 3M strip caulk that’s held up very well. One final thing I did differently was use some outer rubber strips that I got from RD, rather than the first ones I had which sat around too long and got stiff, and the ones from RD had a bit of fuzzy on the inside so when you put the window down they didn’t catch on the very dry window and roll down into the door so if you can find those they function much better than without the mild fuzzy inner (glassside) face. Gordon