Plus2 serial numbers

Dear All
Found this while clearing my Lotus data out , maybe someone would like it??

Lotus Elan %2B2 serial numbers.pdf (190 KB)

P.S. if someone could confirm it’s loaded OK I’ll be able to delete it from my laptop.

John :wink:

Hi John
Downloaded OK - many thanks

Loading OK.
Mine is not right on the listing, N 747 but engine and date not right versus V5 :wink:

Is the “serial number” the same as the unit number?

If so it shows serial 1115 being a different car to mine, as does 115L. Actually as they are all 4 speed boxes mine is probably not on there at all!

Sorry , but I cannot vouch for it’s accuracy or its origin , just found it on an old laptop and instead of erasing it , thought it may be of some use to someone…

John :blush:

Thanks for that, it’s the Sports Car World list that Frank Bertrang put together and every now and then somebody’s looking for it and I remember it well because it doesn’t go far enough as mine is 0306N and it stops before that, thanks Gordon Sauer

Mine is correct :slight_smile: