I think both trim elements were included from the first examples, but could stand correction.
At any rate, they appear in photos included in early road tests published from September 1967 forward. The test car(s) feature the early dash, external trunk latch, early muffler configuration, etc. The registration number for the pictured test car is LPW 120E; someone may be able to confirm the VIN & build date of this car.
This link is to the Plus 2 introductory brochure, which shows LPW 120F sporting the trim pieces…
Yes, good point. The air intake trim is listed as available, but my request is presently on back order right now at Paul Matty, and not available at RD Enterprises. Not sure about the rocker trim availability, but perhaps there is some reasonable substitute available. The real difficult to source trim piece is the shaped chrome rain gutter.
My soon to arrive car is 50/0919 1968 car so should have both to be correct. Not that is an original car in other respects, so I guess it comes down to my personal preference. I think yes to the stainless steel side strip and no to the nose adornment. Maybe. Haha. I used to have some side strips from previous cars, but I have not seen them for years.
Alan, how can I tell if they are brass chromed, or alloy chromed?
I assume by ‘air intake trim’ you mean the two cow horn shaped stainless steel pieces at the front of a +2?
Kelvedon I believe now have these available.
My Plus 2 is a November 67 car so very early, it came with the stainless steel nose intake trims and sill trims under the door. I’ve refitted the nose trim but following a resprayed where all the sill trim holes were filled in I’ve decided not to re-drill and refit them at the moment, I like the cleaner uncluttered look and it saves weight too!
Mind you as my roof rails are brass and are quite heavy they probably compensate for it.
You will probably be able to remove a roof rail screw and see the base metal to check if it’s brass or alloy.
Thank you again for all the replies. It seems certain that my soon to be car will have had both from new. I will be fitting the sill trims again for sure, I think they might be in my mother in law’s garage, although I can no longer remember why I would have put them there. Must have seemed like a good idea at the time.
The nose trim I will have to think about as I also like the look of the car without it.