Oil Pressure Sender

I think that my either my oil pressure gauge, or the electrical sender (or both!) have failed. :frowning: I get a constant reading of over 40psi no matter what the engine is doing. I spoke to the people at Speedy Cables regarding a replacement sender, but the 0-60psi sender is no longer available. The only solution that they can offer is to supply a 0-100psi sender and recalibrate the gauge to match. Sadly this isn’t a cheap or speedy solution as the conversion will take 5 to 6 weeks.

I’ve tried all of the other usual suspects and nobody else seems to be able to get hold of the original type of sender.

Has anyone had similar problems and if so, what was the solution?


Kevin Jones

Hello Kevin, are all senders the same? I’ve got a batch of used parts and if I’ve got one, I can send it to you, if it works, you can pay me. But, I would think there are new ones out there somewhere. rd enterprises? bean?

I purchased a replacement sender (0-60) from Dave Bean a few months ago. Also there is a company called Ma Ma in Albq NM which does a great deal of work on Smiths instruments. If Bean doesn’t have one try Ma Ma (Margeret Lucus).

Thanks for the replies. I’ve e-mailed Dave Bean today to get a price. I perhaps should have explained that I’m in the UK. I never expected to have to go abroad to get parts for a British built car :blink:

you can also find them from jaguar dealers as they are fitted as standard in earlier jags