New law on rear seat belts

Hi all,
Here in the UK you may be aware that as of Monday 18th September all children under 12 years old or under 135cm ( whichever is sooner) must have a booster seat. This is ok for all the new cars around, but anyone have any idea how it affects us? My 7 year old twin girls love going in the back of the plus 2, but with booster seats?? My son is nearly 9 but over 135 cm so is he still ok in the front?
Grey area all round I think.
Jeff 72+2

As far as I can make out if the car never had rear belts than carry on as before, just tell them to sit still!!

If you put a child in the front then you must follow the booster rules, your lad should be fine.

When compulsory wearing of seatbelts was proposed in Ireland in the late 1970s the draft legislation included prohibiting passengers under twelve years of age being carried in the front seat. I had a Lotus Elan S3 as well as a ten year old brother whom I used to drive to school sometimes. I wrote to the government minister in charge of the proposed legislation and asked him if I was correct in understanding that it would be illegal for me to continue giving my brother a lift to school in the front passenger seat of my Lotus (i.e. the only passenger seat), but that I would not be breaking the law if I strapped him to the luggage rack on the bootlid instead.

The minister kindly exempted two seater cars from the under-twelves exclusion!

John Larkin

What is the definition of Booster seat?
I have the Spyder back seat belt conversion in my +2 and the kids (3 and 5yo) use it all the time…
I wonder whether it would be exempted if you pointed out that Colin chapman designed the +2 for +0 owners who had kids. Therefore the back seats are dedicated kids seats.
Lets face it there is no way a normal adult can sit in them in the conventional way

surely if the vehicle doesnt have seat belts in the rear, the law can not be applied, as I understand it, its to ensure that the belts when used do not injure the user in the event of an accident, hence the booster seat requirement to ensure the diagonal doesnt get left off or garrote the user!!


But what if the belts you are using are 4 point harnesses as I have in the rear of my +2?

I have emailed the government department responsible for the law…
We’ll see what they say!

have had the reply from the “nanny state”

Have replied asking what sort of approval process there was when our cars where designed. :imp:

Usual half-hearted government b******s.It seems it’s still legal to carry children in the back of a plus two with no seatbelts-crazy world.still by the time I finish our elan+2 rebuild our son will be too tall for the back seat!

This is the sort of s**t that has made me decide to move away from the uk.
John Steinbeck said that the law should simply be the written statement of the actions of the majority of the people. This government pass laws that make previously law abiding citizens into criminals overnight. In the uk we just let them do it.
You shouldn’t have started me off at this time of night!

Thanks for the replies all.
I thought that it might be a grey area, and typical of the sort of response I expected from the government. I expect they would not know what an Elan was until it ran them over…now there’s a thought.
PS I’m with you Chris. Can’t wait to get to Oz, just need to sort a job and get the elan on a boat…
Jeff 72 +2

For what it’s worth, my Pagoda has a side facing “kinderseat” in the back, behind the driver.

It has no seat belts fitted. So as I understand it, theoretically, once the nipper turns three or whatever the age is, I can no longer plonk him on that seat, but have to boost him on a loose seat so he sits even further out of the car.

Riiiiight! :unamused:

Had another reply from dept transport.

I think if I was in your shoes (+2 owner). I’d do rear belts and be done with it. If you get stopped, wing it with the nice constable. If he’s not nice, pay the ?30 and carry on regardless

The number of Toyota Corrollas I have seen over the past months with kids standing up in the back suggests that attention really should be elsewhere

Oh, and by the way, it’s supposed to stop 2000 casualties a year. Note, NOT deaths. As opposed to the speeding, wagons in towns etc…

Surely we can’t fit a booster seat to a rear seat only big enough for a ten year old.spyder make the rear belt conversion for children,not adults,therefore should be no doesn’t cut across the neck of a ten year old does it? :unamused:
Drive on…

Hi all,
I agree that the +2 seats are mean’t for kids.
I have the spyder conversion, and I trusty the kids in their harnesses more than myself and my wife in our ones!
Just for fun I tried fitting a booster, and it will fit (just). Trouble now is that my 5yo is getting close to touching the headlining!
PS it would all be solved if our seats/restraints had an eu number!

just got a reply from Recaro (very rapid service).
none of their products work with 4 point harnesses (Doh!)
Have given me the address of another firm…
Will contact them and see what they have to say

just fitted today the Spyder 4 point rear seat belt kit for our 6 year old & friends- any further progress on what the Dept of Transport dictate?

No not really…
Seat belts in the back - children must be strapped in with certified booster
As far as I can find out no comercially available booster is certified for use with four point harnesses used in the spyder conversion.

While all this conversation is great for venting the spleen, the issue is whether your progeny are safe. Spend the money ensuring that if you get pronged everyone has the best chance of walking away. If it ever goes to court you can argue all you want there. If you’re familiar with an adl-adl, being unrestrained in the back of a car during a front ender can have the same effect.