New here from France

Hello all,
I just bought today a 1972 plus 2 S Elan.
Sorry for my english…

It is running, just a little problem with the clutch slave cylinder.
But there are many little things to fix in the future.
And I hope I’ll find there some help to maintain this car on the road.

Welcome on board.

There are a number of members of this forum who live in France, and some of us based in the UK that also have houses in France and visit regularly. This forum is a great source of information, well worth checking in from time to time.

It would be great if you could post a few more pictures, it is possible your car is already known on here.


Bonjour et bienvenue!

Si jamias vous etes pres Limoux, appellez moi!


Welcome, that’s a beautiful car! Every old Lotus has things that need to be repaired so don’t worry- you are in the right place to find help.

Many thanks for your “Welcome”
I know, there is always something to fix in an old cars, especialy british. I own several British cars from the 30’ to the 70’ that I maintain by myself. I don’t realy know the Lotus, it is my first one
Before buying this Plus 2, I have found many informations on this forum. And I think (hope) that this car is a good deal.
Pour les amis français, je suis dans le sud est.

Welcome to the forum !

great place to find hints and solutions to fix most issues with our beloved autos, none too small or too big… and psychological support, too, if need be (and it will arise).

best approach to stay motivated imho :

keep it on the road !

The car looks good, but as we say in France “Elle est belle de loin, mais loin d’être belle”.
To do very soon :
-Leaky slave cylinder, I have to open it and have look inside
-Brake fluid to be replaced
-Engine oil and filter (20W50) I know
-Gearbox oil (80 EP) I know
-Rear axle (worshop manual says Shell S.6909, ESSO AL.1763 or BP X.5116) I don’t know these oil, have you an actual reference and brand ?
After that
-I have to replace the front and rear windscreen rubber seals. Do you know where I can find that ? because I have only found the rubber insert.
-There is also a paint job as by effect of the sun, it is not shinny and the roof as a poor varnish.

  • The dashboard is to be replaced (a brand new one is coming with the car).
    But my goal is to use it as soon as possible

Now that you have an Elan, the first thing you need to do is find a parts supplier that will give you a personal service. There are many that get recommendations, but for me they are:

SJ Sportscars -
Mick Miller -

At SJ, Steve and James between them know pretty well everything you will have a question regarding parts. However Sue Miller at Mick Miller is so helpful and always appears to have time for you regardless of the question or the level of stress she is under, and if she does not know the answer, will get it for you pletty soon. I would try her first…

Your slave cylinder. Do not mess around, for what it is - get a new one.

Rear differential oil, good luck in finding any of those! Use an EP90 transmission oil.

Windscreen seal. You have the Ford Capri type seal. Be careful here as there are a couple of similar seals used on the Ford Consul. My suggestion: Get new seals from Sue Miller above. she knows exactly the one you need.

Painting. Find a good carosserie chap near you. I mean good as the car is GRP and preparation is all important.

Note that as of this week, due to a lot of people losing their way in the UK, brexit has kicked in and all parts that you order will be subject to French VAT that Chronopost or others will collect from you along with a handling fee. Certainly the suppliers above will send parts out free of UK VAT, but if you are ordering elsewhere, remind the supplier to zero rate the VAT and supply copy invoices on the parcel )May sound silly but I have already spoken to two suppliers of other products, one did not know the procedure and the other just did not care and is sending things to the EU with UK VAT making it our problem to claim back the VAT)

Thank you for these informations
I have asked Mick Miller for a price parts list.
My first goal is to have the french MOT.
Clutch as to be fixed and I have also a problem with the parking brake.
I’ll saw that next week.

Bienvenue! quel est votre vrai nom?
Here is the catalog that you are after -

Sue Miller sent me a pdf version of the 2020 price parts list few minutes after my enquiry.
Can you tell me what I have to look after in a first time on this car ?


The car is now in my garage

Slave cylinder and left engine mount replaced

Ready to bleed the brakes
As the wheels were not on the car, I’ll have look to the sill members.

They are as new, certainly replaced no long time ago.

Bienvenue camarade

Il y a effectivement plusieurs français qui ont des +2 qui viennent ici. Des membres du Club Lotus France également

For parts the easiest to deal with is SJ Sportscar with an online catalogue that you can have in french
Modern payment as well
With Sue Miller it’s more complicated you must call !


Salut et bienvenue sur le forum,

De retour en France après un long (très long) séjour en GB. UBJ772F a fait le voyage avec moi et viens tout juste de recevoir ses plaques Françaises (calvaire administratif…).

Je suis dans le 01 si jamais tu n’es pas très loin se sera un plaisir de se rencontrer.

PS: demande a Franck de t’envoyer des photos de sa voiture, elles valent le détour

For me the Windscreen Seal is the Bonded Seal not the Consul/Capri one. Not an easy job to fit Bonded Screen.

“Note that as of this week, due to a lot of people losing their way in the UK, brexit has kicked in and all parts that you order will be subject to French VAT that Chronopost or others will collect from you along with a handling fee”

Also due to Brexit, customs are being implemented on parts. I recently ordered an air trunking from Paul Matty and customs took as much as the part itself… not a huge amount as the part is cheap but still frustrating!!!

Remember the parts you buy in UK should be LESS VAT so when you pay TVA in France it puts the price back to where it was.
The Problem is “le frais de Douane” and charges that pump up the price a lot.
Also to have: Packing List + Waybill+ Transport Label etc. Also if big needs to be on a Wooden Pallet or in Crate with Certification to ISPM 15 (international certification) because UK is outside EU.
International Transport like the rest of the World which was the Brexit choice made.