Mystery ground near coil feed

I have discovered a loose black wire which comes out the main loom next to the white wire which connects to the coil. Firstly, am I correct in presuming that due to the colour, this should be ground?

Secondly, if anyone has a similar loom, what does this ground apply to? The body of the coil itself doesn’t need grounding. Given the short length of the black wire (about the same as the exposed length of the white wire), where would folks suggest attaching this to a suitable ground?

Many thanks

Could it be that a ground for the starter solenoid?

Probably the old ground connection for the points in the distributor, or to ground the coil case- the wire was connected to the one of the screws on the coil bracket. I found the same thing, not needed anymore.

I am sure my S3 originally had an aluminium cover and a supression capacitor over the coil to cut down radio interference, the black cable had a flat 7/16" connector that bolted to one of the coil mounting bolts together with a large flat earth strap that then terminated on the top bolt to the oil pump. The suppressor is shown on page 116 Section M electrical in the WSM,

To me, makes sense its something the instrumentation required. Or a clean direct path to
Do you have tracing equipment? Probably cheap these days