My plus 2 a little bit different
I really don’t mean to be nasty here, but I really really think you should be thinking of reverting the body back to its original shape. I saw this car for <sale in Sweden last year, the condition looked great, but there was no way i could live with those side skirts…
hill climb…
not on the road surely!!!
what happened to style and grace???
There are enough standard Plus 2s around not to worry about the odd modified one.
Put a smile on my face.
Nice one Jaakko
I really like it! Don’t know why exactly, but it looks good to me - esp the back! Pob something to do with my young age, but nice one!
Let me know if you’re ever selling it!
Looks fine to me (and I’m not a young age). If you dropped the back end a tad it would look much better.
By the way I like the vents in the bonnet. If I have much more heating problems, I may be fitting them myself! Especially if I do what I have always threatened to do - drive down to Madrid in Spain.
Nice one.
PS Agree with Cliveboy. There are enough standard ones around.
… Hi Jaakko ,
Your car look great to me if you are happy with , but if some of us seems shocked with the mod’s of your car …
Just , add a BIG (the biggest)wing , put it down and more , a set of LARGE (very) Revolution wheels , and … get the sponsor (all if it’s possible !)of your local’s , this will make a wonderfull Modsport from the seventies !..
Ask the olders , sure they have some nice pictures of that they use to do with Elan’s ! …
I was a bit worried by the first piccie - looked a bit too much like a Porsche… Looks better in the round.
Very nice to hear what all of you think.I vill lower the car in the winter,and
build a new exhoust system.
here are a pic from interior.
now I like them seats…
what are they out of…look kinda porsche ish!!!