My gearbox is dying

my gearbox is dying; apart from the impending cost, I won’t be sad to see it go. It’s about as accurate as waving a nail in a bag of broken biscuits, and I’m convinced that my recent loss to a boy’d up saxo off the lights on the inner cheltenham ringroad was all down to the rapidly vanishing syncro on my 2nd gear. SO, a change is in the air.

I love the twink, and have no desire to start building a zetec elan etc… however, I am convinced that there must be a better 5 speed gearbox around. I’m also convinced that a bolt on replacement will cost less than refurbing my bag of broken biscuits, and will result infanately more power and driveability. I’ve heard the MT75 mentioned - is that the sierra box? Is it a simple bolt on to the twink, and if not, can such a thing be done?

I don’t consider it sacralige to put a decent, modern gearbox with the twink, as every 5 speed I’ve ever driven is ****, and whilst I know the 4 speeds can be great, I need 5 speeds for my daily commute etc.

What gearbox would people suggest to pair up with the twink, and what sort of price can I expect to pay? Is there a market in shagged s130/5 gearbox’s that I could sell the old one to in order to ease the cost?

Thanks as always…

If you’re after getting rid of the 5-speeder I’d be interested

John :wink:

The obvious one is Alan Voigts (051 630 3575) - T9 Ford arrangement.

Also contact BGH Geartech Ltd (01580 714114). They tell me they are developing an Elan package with a 2.97:1 first gear.

The only downside of the Voigts box is that it has a 3.65:1 first gear.

Brian Clarke
(1972 Sprint)

Mmm - the only downside of the Voigts box from my point of view is the price - ?1800! :open_mouth:


ouch. well, that’s the voits box out then. Is there no way of bolting on a sierra box or something a little cheaper? I was hoping that selling my old elan box would offset the cost, or even make it a straight swap (car used 7 days a week, 15000 miles a year, so no time for a rebuild etc).

…and what are the implications of that ratio for 1st gear - I don’t know much about it. Would it’ve helped me beat that damn saxo?

Hi Rob

Did you receive my e-mail- I sent you some info on a cheaper/better way using a Type 9 (as I did nine years ago).




With a 3.65:1 first gear in an Elan you?ll beat anything off the line - but in a drag race when you come to get 2nd, all you?ll see is their dust.

There have been so many posts on this thread. I found this most interesting:

Brian Clarke
(1972 Sprint)

Hi Chaps, Re 1 st gear have look at and online catalogue under low ratio type 9 2.0 gear kit i think a very useful part have fun Colin :smiley:

Burton Power sell the complete T9 gearbox for 895 GBP with 2.98:1 first gear - but they won’t sell it without the tail housing which is useless for an Elan.

Taking into account the cost of the gearbox plus the need for special tail & bell housings, new clutch actuation, clutch plate, cross member, propshaft adaptors and speedo drive - maybe the Voights’ cost is not so unreasonable.

Brian Clarke
(1972 Sprint)

In my humble opinion, the Voight gearbox with a Burton 1st gear ( would be the easiest way to go, but pricey. I’m fitting an MT75 in my plus2 and have encountered a few probs, but it will fit (big hammer and grinder). Total cost including the gearbox,hydraulic release bearing, clutch and prop will be around ?350.

For sure I wont be able to do 40mph in 1st, but then i wont be screaming the nads off the car and slipping the clutch round town!! The nearest the car will get to a track is the car park and I feel the benifits of a decent 5th gear,( with a rifle bolt gear change) will be felt and heard when on long motorway hauls to my sisters, i love the sound of a twink, but after an hour or so of motorway droning I’d much rather be hearing the Mission on my cd player!!
