Marston Rad plus Electric fan

Does anyone have a good solution for mounting a puller or pusher electric fan to a Marston Radiator please, pics would be ideal!
Many thanks in anticipation,

I use fibre washer under feet of the fan and opposite side with cable/zip ties when fitting electric fans to my cars. Never failed and reversible. The ties go through the gills which positively locates the fan.

Do you mean the original standard narrow width Sprint radiator or the wider S3 radiator.
The original narrow radiator causes problems as a modern electric fan on the front causes interference with the bonnet spring but more importantly covers a lot of the radiator so air flow gets restricted. (I speak from experience) Also you cant fit one behind the radiator as it interferes with the bottom pulley. I personally would not bother trying to put modern fans on the narrow radiator.
If you want to cool a Sprint properly fit the earlier S3/Plus 2 radiator. I have one on my Sprint with the fan kit I used to produce and it works fantastic even during the hottest summer days in the UK. I would never recommend the smaller radiator unless its to keep originality.
If you or anyone else need more advice or suggestions send me a message.

In the early 80s I had a fan from a, as far as I can remember, Mercedes 280… installed. I soldered the brackets directly to the radiator with soft solder. It worked well.

It had a lot of power, the light went dark when the fan started.
It was big, so it limited the opening of the hood a little.

Greetings Urs

If we are talking about the Early S1 type radiator.
I did try producing brackets to clamp onto the radiator but like Urs concluded best option is to solder mounting points onto the radiator.
Only other option as previously mentioned is ties through the fins and bolt fan straight to the core. Although the cores on the early radiators can be quite thick and the fins quite dense causing problems with the ties. (from memory)

I fitted two puller fans (one small & one a little larger) to the engine side of my S2 Marsdon radiator, (I don’t like pusher type fans) did it by pop riveting brackets to the steel sides of the radiator. Also soldered in a boss for the screw-in fan thermo switch.
Obvously fans have to be mounted on the radiator before fitting.
Makes it a bit crowded on the inside and not the easiest to check/set the timing or change a V belt but I manage.

That’s great replies and information gents, much appreciated.
I know exactly what you mean about making checking the timing difficulties after the puller fans are installed, just about to have to temporarily remove at least one, to check the timing on my Sprint.
I specifically needed replies regarding my S2se Marston radiator, so thanks for all the replies.

I worry about the zip tie through veins method, for fear of vibration damage, etc.

The Marston Rad as you know, has no mounting brackets, so does make things a little more difficult…

I like the detailed pop rivet pictures and think this is a great solution, but obviously only if there’s always sufficient room on these rads for pop rivet / drilling clearance!!

I note the original set up used the fixed mechanical fan on the pulley. I was intending to fit this and an electric fan, but understand this would have to be a pusher type, so I’m still not 100% decided on which way to go here??!!

Thank you for your replies.