Lotus Service Bulletin: Phillips RN.314 Turnlock Radio

Class 111
Number 1971/22
Type +2
Date 23.4.1971
Title: Phillips RN.314 ‘Turnlock’ Radio
Reason: To detail suppression required when the above radio is fitted.
Parts Required See Separate Parts Bulletin
  1. Details of fixing a radio are contained in Section ‘M’ of the Workshop Manual.
  2. The Phillips radio receiver is earthed to a convenient main chassis earthing bolt.
  3. Details of fitting the aerial are contained in Section ‘M’ of the Workshop Manual.
  4. The Speaker is fitted in the rear quarter trim backboard.

To give a reduction of interference to an acceptable standard, the following is recommended;


  • Voltage stabiliser V terminal to T terminal, using suppressor CRS 114.
  • Coil - mount as shown in Fig,'. 1 . using suppressor CRS 102.

Bonding: Bonding braids are fitted as follows.

  • Use braid (CRE 105) from coil mounting bolt to top bolt on oil pump housing.
  • Use braid (CRE 124) from aerial mounting to a convenient chassis earth.