I was given this magazine yesterday from 1992. The article was quite the best Ive read, (with only a small error about rear lights). Essential reading for anyone thinking of buying an Elan. I see the writer was Mark Hughes, maybe the same Mark Hughes who
s reports and insight on F1 in Motor Sport magazine put other journalists to shame. Incidentally, the (so-called) chief F1 writer ; Andrew Benson, who copies out what others have have discovered on the BBC website is a waste of license payers money, though the license fee is excellent value, but thats another matter/rant. Jim P.S. I
ve uploaded the scans in numerical order but they may/will come out in reverse order.
Thanks for posting Jim, I have saved all those scans in my archive.
I enjoyed reading and it’s pretty sound advice apart from a few howlers, for instance the dashboard comparison between S1 & S4 jumped out at me. I’m pretty sure walnut dashes were not original equipment in an S4 as mentioned on the page below.
I have a copy of that Jim; all good stuff. Yes, it’s the same Mark Hughes.
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