Lotus Elan and Plus 2 Source book

My latest Lotus book, Elan and Plus 2 Source book has been published by Veloce, and is available from all good booksellers and on Amazon - see amazon.co.uk/Lotus-Elan-Plu … 825&sr=8-1

While it consolidates my several years of experience of running and restoring our favourite Lotus’s I owe many thanks to all the posters on the site who contributed their experiences of owning and running their Lotus’s - without you guys the book would not have been anywhere near as good as I think it is.

Its got some good reviews so far from Club Lotus and Absolute Lotus magazine, and I’m really pleased how it turned out - Veloce did a brilliant job building the book from the text and photos I supplied.


Yes… and I was going to post a review about it buty a bit busy at the moment.

What I can say right now is it is beautifully printed and bound and the pictures are fab. A terrific job!

I received mine yesterday that I purchased online at Walmart of all places. I spent several hours reading and taking notes. As a brand new +2 owner it offered many new insights for me.

I did find myself wanting more engine pictures, especially for a +2 Federal. My car was delivered to me far from original. Although I’m not restoring 100% back to original, just seeing what was supposed to be in place would have helped me a great deal.

None the less, it has secured a prominent place on my bookshelves.

Mine’s ordered.
Matt, are you going to do an audiobook version?
Hope you’re well

No plans for an audio version I’m afraid - the pictures are an important part of the whole book.

It was a slightly tongue in cheek comment… I’m not good at the emoji things!

My copy arrived a couple of hours ago. It’s a great piece of work and very useful indeed, especially for +2 owners, who get slightly short shrift in other publications.

Hope you’re well.

Hi Ned
I’m good - waiting to get my vaccine and for lockdown to end…all good with you?
Regards matt

Yes thanks. Stalled a bit on my restoration due to health/real life etc. But keen to press on this year.

The book is great, Matt. Really useful and beautifully illustrated. I left you a little review on Amazon…

Once lockdown is behind us I’d love to come and have a look at the new +2 for a bit of inspiration and advice.


Hi Ned
It’ll be good to meet up post lockdown. I’m getting a new garage built the end of March to give me more space to work on the cars, so I can get moving on the restoration of Ald and finish retiring my so called runner!