at the moment im ripping my +2 apart, to be build back on a spyder chassis.
while im doing this i will also convert it to LHD and im gathering a little information on witch parts need to change sides in this operation.
can anyone of you post a picture of a LHD engine bay?
that would be very helpfull because theres allmost nothing available about this subject from the workshop manuals, and i think theres a “little” more do do than simply flip the dash over, get a new steering rack, clutch and brake lines and that`s it…
Get the parts list (X050T0325J), it specifies LHD parts opposed to RHD ones and some things such as the dashboard etc. have a pic for both RHD and LHD version. However a photo would be nice, I agree, because I’m having exactly the same problem right now.
thank you for the pic!
if you post a new one can you pic a little wider picture aswell?
it would help a lot to orientate in the engine bay because a lot of parts are located somewhere else on lhd and it`s allways good to know where something should go that you have to get rid of for the pedal box.
one more pedal box question.
there hardly is a lhd box available to buy.
so i think i will have to convert the rhd box i have.
are the pedals just bend in the other direction, or are there more things to be taken care of?
Hi, Wondo;
These should be a little better. Have also included a pic of the pedals, which shows how they’re bent.
Have you tried Sports Car World in Texas for a pedal box?
Let me know if you need any more pics. Good luck with the project.