Just got my tacho back from sc in south wales after being converted to voltage pulse. I was told 20 working days but took only3.
However, the tacho does not read correctley and does not produce a repeatable reading. Most of the time 500 rpms+ high, other times low and occasionaly correct. Any body have any ideas?
peek in the back of the tach–there is a plastic screw head visible in one of the bulb holes – hook up a dwell meter set it to hi tach and match the tach to the dwell meter by turning the white screw head —easy – ed
Hi thanks for the reply. Is the screw present on the converted boards are are you talking about the origional style rvi adjusting screw?
yes adjust there ----- the converion from pos to neg is just a matter of switching the two wires in the tach—an artical is on the site somewhere —you will see the screw head just off the bulb hole ----ed