indicator warning lamp - any ideas?

Morning All,

I have to confess this question is not about my Elan but about my other car - a 1936 Lagonda.
This car, as standard, came with no indicators so I have installed some but I can’t get the warning light to work.
The flasher unit has three terminals labelled “L” (live), “X” (to the indicators) and “P” (to the warning light).
The indicators work fine and I get 4-ish volts and then 12-ish volts alternating on the “P” terminal but, when plugged in, the light does nothing. (I’ve tested the light across the battery and its fine).

Any ideas? Could I have wired it up wrong - should the “X” terminal be live?

Thanks in advance and sorry for not being an Elan problem!


That would seem to leave the wires to and from the light bulb. Have you tested that circuit?

Thanks for your reply. Yes, the wires to and from the flasher have tested OK.
Since the original post I’ve been out and fiddled around a bit and, suddenly, its started flashing!
However, the light is constantly on (with ignition) and just flashes with the indicators.
So, I think I’m now looking at a faulty flasher unit (although its new). For the sake of a few quid, I’ll get another.
thanks again!

If you wire the warning bulb between the two flasher bulbs it will only, and always, flash when the flasher lamps are different i.e. one is on and the other one is off.

[The flasher unit has three terminals labelled “L” (live), “X” (to the indicators) and “P” (to the warning light)]

I don’t think that is correct, it should be…
X (or B) = Battery
L = Load or Lamps
P = Pilot or warning light.

That’s how it’s shown in the Elan wiring diagram and it’s how mine is connected.

Try swapping your X and L connections over.