My throttle cable goes through a slot which i believe is intended to hold it vertical before it attaches to the engine block (see pic) Only problem is this seems to wear the cable through after a while - am I missing a component that stops this rubbing?
I think the cable is assembled wrongly.
I’m pretty sure the cable should come in from the top, the outer sitting in a cup in the carb linkage, where you currently have the solderless nipple, then the end of the outer just poked through that slot and retained somehow.
The outer then slides up and down the inner to operate the throttle and the the inner stays still.
Simon is correct. The outer should be located at the top where I think you have the inner nipple.
The system works by the inner being fixed at the bracket end and the outer moving to operate the throttle linkge.
I have just been messing around with my throttle cable. If you want a picture of the set email me.
I guess you are missing the small brass piece that fits in the linkage for the outer sleeve to locate in. (I have spare you can have)
I have a 1966 S3 with twin webbers that also runs this setup there is a small flexible plastic gromet that fits in this spot to stop the cable wearing away. If I mounted the pull from the top the direction of the throttle actuation would be wrong. Does anybody think this is because the carb linkage may originate from another car? I had the same issue with a MkII Jagusr some years ago.
yes, i’m struggling to see how going in from the top would work with my set-up. I think I need to see a picture… in the mean time I shall try to fashion a gromet for the job…
The other posters are correct, the inner cable nipple is fixed in the lower bracket that comes off the backplate, the outer cable rests in the swivel linkage and pushes the throttle linkage down from the top when the pedal is pressed to open
The carbs are not the easiest things to photograph.
Below are pictures of my set-up which shows what I understand to be correct.
I hope it helps.
It seems that there are 2 ways of operation, any ideas of why?
Mine definately pulls from the bottom.
It seems that there are 2 ways of operation, any ideas of why?quote]
Yes…its been assembled wrongly and/or its got the wrong parts fitted.
The Europa TC pulls from the bottom, maybe some thing got mixed up during its life.
wow…! what an amazing image gallery - thanks Brian / Brian!
I’ve made a repair using the current bottom-up system, installing a protector to stop it rubbing - works rather well actually. I’d like to change it to how it should be though - i THINK i have all of the necessary bits - so it’s just a case of re-creating your photos in the metal.
At least it makes a bit more sense now - thanks,