How to Purchase a Spyder Chassis for Baby Elan in the US?

I’m interested in purchasing a Spyder spaceframe chassis for a '66 Elan S3 Coupe. Is it true that nobody is stocking them in the U.S. at this point? Any good ideas for shipping to the US?

I appreciate all comments!

Phoenix, AZ

Give Andy Widnall at Spyder a call at 01144 1733 350662 and give him your credit card. When I bought one 8 or so years ago I had to pay for the shiping and crating and at the time it was an additional 300 GBP for both but I am sure it has gone up. I would guess that you can get it landed in the U.S. for under $3500 USD. It took a morning to take care of all of the broker and U.S. Customs obligations.

cantact infor for Spyder

Try Rich Kamp @ Kampena Motors in Sonoma CA.

Thanks for the replies! It seems like there should be a better way to get one than shipping one at a time. I’ll check both sources and see what I find.


Dave Bean carries the Spyder chassis in his catalog. However, there is no price in the accompaning price list.