Hill Climb/sprint car - Lotocone or metal mount

I am progressing down the route of a project car with 26R chassis and all the TTR bits. I have not yet obtained the rear shocks and top spring caps or any form of top mount.

Can anyone (Rohan ?) help me here. I have all rod end tackle and adjustable bones etc with the TTR fast road springs.

I have seen those metal top mounts but cant help thinking I am going to make a very solid vibrating car. Am I talking rubbish if I put original rubber Lotocones on with TTR short stroke Koni rear adjustable shockers. Or do I need to go to the full metal mount route. They are expensive I believe.

Also do I really need short stoke shocks. I believe they limit the droop angle to prevent UJ lock up.

I need to learn to drive better and have never had ago at a hill climb or sprint. Thefore am not going to be busting a gut. Would like to start with a pretty decent car.


As you are putting together a car with all the competition suspension components it makes sense to install the metal top mounts at the same time. You are going to get a solid drive anyway by using rose joints and it would be counterproductive to use adjustable suspension and a flexible top mount. The correct rod lenth is vital to prevent droop and subsequent uj lock up.



Mike,I have solid top mounts on my car, and it does not cause any vibration. I also have Rose jointed wishbones front and rear. You’ll find the solid rear top mounts noisy at walking speeds, ie they transmit spring movement noises, and the odd clatter, but not vibration.
I’d agree that you should go the whole route, not half and half,
Hope that helps

Thanks guys. Thought I would be hitting the old wallet again! Makes sense with all the accuracy of the other kit to fall in line and not spoil with rubber movement.
