Help with Plus 2

Just wondered if anyone one could give me some advice? I have a plus 2 which has been messed about with; the problem I have is that the car has been fitted/modded to have a Ford Sierra diff. They then fitted bmw driveshafts and bmw Rear hubs but the driveshafts are sitting at such a steep angle that the UJs are binding when you try to push the car. also I can’t find any discs that will work with this set up. I did manage to speak with a couple of guys that know the car but this was a project that has never been finished so I am completely stuck as to where to go from here. Had anyone used a Sierra diff? If so what driveshafts did you use? has anyone done this mod using bmw driveshafts? it looks as if the diff needs to sit lower in the car and as for the discs, I have tried the bmw fitting on the outside and was going to change the way the caliper fits but they just foul up with the strut. The standard +2 inboard will not fit with the BMW hubs so any ideas would be appreciated as I am in a real muddle or have I just bought a mess up? I can not even seem to be able to get the rear hub nut on far enough to lock up properly. I bought the car as a unfinished build but the car had been sold on a couple of times so hard to know who’s done what
one very frustrated owner

It doesn’t look like much forethought was put into that conversion !

Spyder use the Sierra diff in their Zetec Plus 2, along with the Sierra hubs and brakes.

I have the Spyder Zetec/Sierra hubs and brakes on my Plus 2, but with the original diff. Spyder made up drive shafts for me.

Maybe give them a call !


Thanks, so I assume the Sierra diff cannot be used with what I have. The main problem is that I bought the car being under the impression that all the diff /driveshafts had been rebuilt and was spot on! Lesson learned! I should have checked it out , so seems I have stalled at the first fence. Thanks for your reply I will call spyder but probably out of my budget :frowning:

I don’t know if you should assume that straightaway. Have you any pics or drawings ? Is the Sierra diff in a Lotus casing , and attached as originally ? I don’t understand why the drive shaft angles are so wrong, unless the spring lengths/rates are wrong.


It’s been fitted with a complete Sierra diff with the ford Casing the chassis modified to accept, the rear springs are adjustable and the car is sitting very low but the angles just seem to be extreme, it looks very well done but just does not work is a Sierra diff complete a known modification? or do you think this is a one off i will take some photos so you can see what’s been done, thanks for your reply

If you are struggling with your Budget i would suggest you sell it on.
I hope you didn’t pay too much for it.
Or leave it in your garage untill you have a bigger Budget then buy a Lotus galvanised Chassis, sometimes you can find one old stock or secondhand. Then start from Chassis upwards.
If the rest of the car is still there with Twink Engine and you paid maxi £5,000 then it could be a viable project.
Sorry to be a bit direct but think about your next move :wink: :wink:


the A arms underneath the drive shafts should be approximately level when viewed from the rear for a normal ride height.

The drive shafts should then be slightly sloping down towards the wheel.

How do your A arms sit right now?

A pic from the rear would be very useful!


A arm = bottom wishbone

Thanks for your replies
Alan I take your advice onboard, I bought the car as a rolling shell the chassis has been restored including all the suspension with all new drive shafts with a lsd Sierra diff I they have done a good job on the chassis (bought the car unseen) body is a mess but that’s not a problem, Engine had been sold off before I got the car, I just thought it was a way of getting back into an elan. if I can not get this drive system to work then I will probably have to sell it on as I did not budget or think I would be having to change all the rear end

Iain thanks for your advice
Bottom wishbones are sitting nearly straight but the drive shafts are at a steep angle down towards the wheels and because they are fitted with universal joints they are binding, someone has spent a lot or money on this conversion so I am surprised it doesn’t work, I was just wondering If there was any other plus 2 out there with this conversion and how did they get it to work. it’s as if the diff is sitting too high I don’t know why they would have done all this if it wasn’t a proven mod? I will post some photos but as this seems to be a one off mod I think it’s just a mess up - shame

just for reference this how it’s normally setup, it’s weird that your diff is so high there’s very little head room normally…

See link below - is this similar to what you have?

The one on the Facebook link is exactly what I have
Thanks for the diagram
Looking at your drawing my bottom wishbones are not as straight as those
but the car is sitting low not a problem but do not think I can go any lower
Thanks again I will take some photos later

Daft question but is the body on the car ? You need the weight of the body to represent real setup

Nothing daft about that question ! I should have asked it myself !


Yep body is on the car but everything else is out
Thanks :slight_smile:

Well, perhaps that hard knocks speed shop has some information

I think I would go back to Lotus housings,they are available and not insane money…

As I think on it, do you have u joints or CV joints? CV joints should not have a problem with the angle.

Hi Gus
The shafts are modified BMW E21 and have universal joints completely rebuilt as new , it’s also got E21hubs, you are probably right I need to go back to Lotus housing and start from there,
some one has thrown a lot of money on this rear end The car was being built as a hill climb car and they wanted it to be able to handle a lot of bhp looking at the way the diff has been fitted I think the body will have to be removed to get the diff out if I go back to a lotus housing then the chassis is going to have to be altered back to standard which is a shame as there has been so much work done on this But there you go :frowning:


Did you see these pics?


If you are thinking of going back to a standard rear end, then this might be of use to you… … 7520233058

Every image I can find of early 3 series axles are cv joints

If the car is not complete it is not a huge deal to lift the body up. The Sierra is a nice diff, so if it can be used it would save money

Back in the day people would cut VW axles in half and reweld them shorter for Elans

I have been reading through this and you have my sympathy.

To try and be helpful could I clear up that you have universal joints and not cv joints? As per the post from Gus E31 BMW’s use CV joints as per the 2nd image. The 3rd image shows a set of sliding spline universal joint driveshafts for an Elan

universal joints

CV Joints

Hi guys
Thanks so much for all the help - just to clarify, the shafts have universal joints(I was under the impression they were from a bmw E21 Could be wrong. The main problem is the UJ binding / locking because of the angle, so by what you are saying a cv joint is the way to go and keep the Sierra diff. I like the idea of modifying vw shafts. Again, thanks for all your help, this is a brilliant forum