Hi all,
My name is Sébastien, I’m 37 years old and I live in South West of France (Dordogne and Pyrenées).
I’m passionate about the sports car of the 60’s and 70’s (and English motorcycle).
I’ve got a Lotus Exige Sprint, an Alpine A310 1600, BMW 2002 tii and few british bikes.
I have always loved the Lotus Elan. I had the opportunity to drive a friend’s baby sprint 72 a few years ago. Driving experience confirmed my love! Very different from an Alpine A110 but the same driving pleasure with the british touch!
Today, my restorations projects have advanced and I would like to buy an Elan +2 in the futur.
Regrettably, the baby is really too small for my high size. I think, I’m better off sitting in a +2.
I hope to learn and share on this forum.
Are we allowed to talk via email to the French or has Macron banned that as well?
If you are over 193 ( 6’4") cm it might be tight in the 2 seater , although Vaughan on here is some sort of a tall freak and he fits.
I think the issue is the pedal box. You need to use driving shoes.
I hope you find what you are looking for
+2 is a good choice
Bon chance
Fortunately your English is good - you will do well to follow this forum which is well-conducted and very informative.
Welcome Sébastien!
I am about 193cm and the Plus 2 is a good fit with plenty of legroom. Excellent car to drive!
J’habite au sud de vous avec un +2. Si vous jamais etes pres de Carcassonne, dites-moi et vous pourrez visiter pour une causette…et une verre de rouge!
(mais seulement si vous conduire dans le Alpine… )
Welcome Seb,
you say you have driven a Sprint but have you driven a +2 Elan also.
They are different to drive with the Sprint at 700kgs and the +2 Elan at 900kgs.
I had for about 8 years both that’s to say one of each. I sold the +2 Elan in the end because i prefer the Sprint driving.
For you with a small child i like the +2 Elan will be better than an Elan.
If you contact Club Lotus France you maybe able to find someone in your region with a +2 Elan to try.
bon chance
Thank you for your welcome!
Effectively 661, the big problel is the pedalbox. I wear a size 11 (french size 45) and the drive shoes are compulsory for me. Some members have they modified the pedalbox for more space? 1 cm right, 1 cm left can sometimes changing the driver’s life.
The Veg, you confirm my thoughts. I went to paul matty last year (before the covid, when I went to england regularly!) but I didn’t dare to sit in a +2. He is very nice. I’ve been very well received.
Thank you for your invitation HCA. My wife has her family from Carcassonne.
Alan, I can’t drive an Elan +2. The +2 is very rar in France. I’ve been in th Club Lotus de France but only 2 members had old Lotus (2 Elan). Tony is member of this forum.
I haven’t small child, baby was the term used for the Elan. Excuse me for my english mistakes. I like the english language but it’s difficult for me.
I think the Elan is very different from the +2. Elan is more sporty. I love the S1 type 26, her lightness and her pure design but for me, it’s too small. When I drive the Elan Sprint, my hair was on the windscreen (with the original seat, I don’t know if the seat touches the body or if the adjustement system is large). The +2 hasn’t got the same energy but for me, I think, it will difficult to drive an Elan in good condition
We organised a W/E in Charent Maritime 10 years ago with +2 Elans and there were about 10 +2 Elans.
Ask Serge Club Lotus France.
It was near Rochefort.
I have also TVR Cars very interresting with V6 Engine.
I joined the club afterwards. Behind 2011 and 2015. Fabien Ivernel then Stéphane Lebeau were président. In this time, Tony Parfitt was only member with old Lotus in Centre Atlantique. Where do you live, Alan?
Tony has a yellow Elan and he was with us.
I live now in Plouhinec 56680, Morbihan.
My feet are 44 French size. With running shoes on its dangerous. With driving shoes it feels like it was designed for me
As Graeme pointed out I’m just under 6’5" and fit comfortably in a “baby” Elan. Elans have two mounting points for the seat legs, this is the secret, simply move the front seat leg to the rear channel, this is accomplished by undoing the two seat clamps and moving it back ~ 2", this provides significantly more room and makes for a very comfortable modern driving position.
In the past I use my S4SE DHC to drive a couple of times a years from SE London taking the ferry to Calais and then down east of Le Mans following parts of N1 through to La Cote Del La Lande near Moissac, we typically left London aiming for a 4am ferry, easily arriving at the families farmhouse around 8pm having enjoyed an amazing day roof down on empty picturesque roads with little traffic which allowed us to make the most of the Elan’s roadholding and acceleration, we seldom got held up for more than a few minutes with traffic, when I’ve been back since I often seek out the route we used as it is quite memorable following treelined ridge roads that were part of Napoleons N1 route from memory, id; love to be there right now COVID asides!!
Thanks for allowing me to reflect on many happy memories touring France.
Wishing you all a COVID free and Merry Christmas from down under.
Bonjour Sebastien,
I live in the Gironde, close to the border with Dordogne and Lot et Garrone near Monsegur. I have a late Plus 2 that you are very welcome to try for size. I’m 6 foot, and there is plenty more adjustment. I actually think the Plus 2 would be an issue for someone with short legs unless you don’t mind the steering wheel right in your lap!
Vstibbard, I didn’t know that Elans have two mounting points for the seat legs. It’s very interesting for me. My friend with her Elan is under 5’7. His seat was probably in the bad mounting points.
Steve, thank you for your proposition. I live 50km from your home and I’ m the same size as you (but I’m probably more large). I would be happy to sit in your +2. I would be rassure to search a car.
On the +2S the rake of the Seat can be adjusted which pushes the Wheel away. Putting you in a more laying back position.
On the Elan the horizontal Seat Frame tube runs across the Flour. This is held in position by two Clamps with two humps for the Tube. Giving two clamping positions.
Sebastien, all Elans S1 to S4 including Sprints have the two locations for the seats, I’ll post a photo of them next time I head up to our shed, which will be in the next few days.
Like you I have size 11 feet and tend to wear narrow shoes when driving the Elan or our S2 Seven. A number of the members have adjusted the location of clutch pedal to make slightly more space, the posts are in this forum. I’ve never felt it necessary myself.
Merry Christmas
Alan and vstibbard, thank you for your answer.
Yes, I found a good post, on the forum, about the pedalbox.
I serched a picture about the seat fixation but I didn’t found.
Merry Christmas.
Welcome Sébastien
I tend to wear race type boots in the S3 as a preference as space is a bit tight in the footwell.
Did the same when I had my 7