I’ve just published a video showing how I went about making a fibreglass repair during the restoration of my Elan. It may be of use to those considering having a go themselves.
Hopefully those with experience will agree with the method shown.
I’ve just published a video showing how I went about making a fibreglass repair during the restoration of my Elan. It may be of use to those considering having a go themselves.
Hopefully those with experience will agree with the method shown.
It is indeed a useful video.
The parts that I found interesting was the use chopped strand mat followed by the finishing cloth which is a useful tip for beginners like me!
Sorry to correct but that’s not finishing cloth that’s Tissue ( Voile)
If you are carefull you will be able to finish without using filler or very very little. Which means no shrinkage later on .
It is standard to finish with Tissue as in Miles Wilkins book.