Brian Buckland needs your help! He is pulling together an extra bit for ?The Bible?, and is missing a vital piece of information.
Sometime in the production of the Federal Sprint, the static seatbelt arrangement was changed to an Inertia system. The reel was fitted at low level behind the fibreboard trim and the belt went round a roller at the normal exit point to the cockpit. This much is known! Brian is after a couple of photographs which show this arrangement?.as it is in the ?complete? car, and as it is without the fibreboard in place (showing the mechanism, any brackets and the roller). Your reward will be immense?.well, you?ll have you car pictured in the book!
If you have or can take any such pictures, just put them up here, or PM me with the them?.I may have to contact you back to get them in high resolution as well. Brian is charging around the place at the moment pre-Donnington, so I?m just helping out.