Elan in the Alps

Last summer (late August) I was pedalling my bike slowly up one of the Cols in the French Alps (I think it was Cormet de Roselend) when there was an incredible sound growing behind me, and suddenly this Type 45 in Gold Leaf colours came ripping past. What a perfect playground for that car, with all those narrow tight bends. It was a lovely sight. I think it had French plates.

Until that magic moment, I’d almost forgotten about Lotus Elans. You don’t see them out here (Alberta, Canada) although my friend had a new one and I drove it once in the '60’s when I lived in England. That was a memorable experience. My friend would often drive it in climbing boots, after a day out in the Lake District and two or three pints in his belly. Oh, the good old days.

But I now think more about the Elan, and how nice it would be to actually own one!


Go on Peter treat yourself. Mind you perhaps you would think different if it split a donut late at night on the wrynose pass?


You owe to yourself. I have been fortunate to belt around the Alps many times in my car, the alpine air and brilliant roads really bring the car alive. I have only once experienced a near problem when having followed slow cars up to quite an altitude I found the car losing power uphill in a 1Km tunnel, finally having worked down to first gear and 10mph the plugs cleared and the engine picked up. I haven’t farted around in high gears at altitude since then!

The west coast motorway in northern Italy is also fantastic - it seems to be about 80% in tunnels - great at 6K + RPM.

Better get back to the garage to prepare for this summer.



Nice comments Ian 1 and Ian 2. One of you has obviously been to the Lakes. I have a lovely poster of an old Gmund Porsche going up the Stelvio.
Anyway, I half expected someone to come back with “that was me!”
The comment about jetting for high altitude was interesting. I recently drove my Porsche 356 down to Colorado. It has standard jetting on original Zenith carbs. We went over several passes at around 14,000 ft. without a blip.
Mmmm. Maybe the Elan ain’t so good after all. (Joking)


We did the Rallye des Alpes in 2006 in our 67 S3. Though WE were not very successful the car was brilliant. The only Lotus, we never saw another. There isnt an Alpes this year but next year it`s a definite so how about some Elan competition?

I just love alpine roads, the best place in the world to truly enjoy the elan,
I take my elan into the Australian Alps as much as possible during the summer just for the drive, and being just under an hours drive from some of the most beautiful alpine country in Australia makes it even more attractive, if you ever come down under this road is a must drive.
Visit: greatalpineroad.info/
The only bugbear when driving the elan in
the Alps are the slow tin top mobile chicanes!



I was buying your story until you said that.

I have never driven either of my Loti wearing anything but western boots, you know, the kind people call “cowboy boots”, pointy toes and 2 1/2" full underslung heels!