Door Mirrors 130/4 1973

Hello all
Took the +2 out for a spin today in the sunny very hot weather after all the recent work and had two problems:-
Reversing into the garage I damaged (UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) one of the mirrors , its a racing sort that too be honest I could not really see out off no matter how I adjusted it. My Question is - If I were to replace the mirrors remembering I have two holes in the door, what would be the best , most original mirror and where would I get it?
Problem No 2 , an oil spray , quite small under the heater hose on the fibreglass, my only thought is it from the oil filler cap? (New rubber fitted about 6 months ago)
Any ideas anyone?


Terry - I’m pretty sure you should be able to find replacements - even in the US we have a source: check “Mirrors” at I would imagine there are sources closer to you. All the same, Ray is very good to work with.


Foget the spray problem , sorted that out
now the mirrors : -
Sebring Mirrors from (Thanks Keith )
OR … 0030044125
OR … 0214719601
Porsche style stainless steel mirror Porsche style stainless steel mirror Ref: CME160 from … IOR_8.html


OR … 0332751197

That rectangular one is what Christopher Neil supply when you order a Plus 2 mirror and it’s what Spyder fit.

I got a pair for my rebuild but I had expected and still wanted the Sebring that was on the car when I bought it (probably original since that was 1978). Some others originally had the Talbot “bullet” style.

The new ones let you see better but I felt that, despite my full Spyder Zetec approach, this was going too far. . I don’t expect anyone to be behind me on twisty roads and on the big ones I can almost feel them

Anyway, I realize - I happen to have two mirrors for sale, Terry. Though postage from here can be pricy. Coincidentally we were looking for a cottage to rent in France this summer, and I could deliver for a bit of a trade-off :slight_smile:, but then the plan changed.


Thanks Keith but I think you are right about the postage , OK for small items but anything heavy gets expensive quickly
I think the Tex square ones also may look a bit too heavy for the car. Although the round ones may be too small. What I’m airing on at the moment although not original(!!!) is the Porsche ones from the early seventies now re manufactured which are square , slightly smaller but very adjustable

Its good to see forum member in the gites , we’ve had a few! So check the availability out if you are ever able to come

Thanks for the reply


Well s*d originally I’ve gone for the Porsche 911 RS 1972/73 ones because they will work and I’ll be able to see out of them driving on LHD roads with a RHD car!