My drivers door would not open from the inside and I had to lower the window and open from the outside a minor panicky moment. After removing the door card I could see the problem immediately, the plastic part of the door rod clip had disintegrated and the rod had slipped out. A simple fix just get some new rod clips all our lotus suppliers had them on their web sites from £1.60 to $4.60 each. I ordered 2 They came they didn’t fit the plastic part was 6mm the hole in my door lock 5mm.
I did this 5 more times Each time the result was the same. I eventually found out that they were Land Rover clips.
By this time I had spent £70 on parts packing and VAT. The pictures on the websites all showed lotus parts but all supplied Land Rover parts please see attached Photo.
My 8th attempt was successful and I would like to give a shout out to SJ Sports Cars who had replicas made the correct size
All fitted and working without having to drill bigger holes in the door lock
Thanks Pete, good information!
I had a similar problem with clips from RD Enterprises.
Presumably these clips were not Metric sized back in the day? So if you have any originals lying around don’t lose them!
I know I got bitten when I purchased a couple of new rods some years ago. (If I remember correctly) they were 1/8" diameter but the correct size is 9/64". The original clips couldn’t deal with the smaller diameter…