diff is coming out!!

Hi All,
This will sound the daftest of questions having built the car but… Anyone got any demon method of diff removal/change? Bear in mind I will have the A frames off anyway and the car has Spyder driveshafts, so only 1 ’ doughnut’ each side to clamp up.

Can one remove the propshaft with the diff out?

Only asking!! :unamused:

Alex… :sunglasses:

Alex, there is lots in the archives about diff removal and its not that difficult although a certain amount of “force” has to be used, some people seem to struggle with it and if the car has been jacked up below the diff it can distort the chassis which makes it more difficult, as you have a Sprint you have the strengthening bracket which has to be removed first.
The diff comes out of the left side and it will be easier to remove the propshaft with the diff out but I think you will still have to disconnect the gearbox mounting to raise/lower the gearbox to get the prop out.

A couple of thicknesses of heavy gauge polythene under the diff will make it easier to manoeuvre and prevent damage to the paint on the chassis. Also if I remember correctly you need to rotate the diff (when viewed from above) before you can roll it sideways off the LHS of the chassis - can’t remember which way to rotate it however !!!


Old Elan Man


What is wrong with old oil and oodles of Waxoyl?

May not look pretty but my goodness the chassis lasts. Mine is dirty, oily, original 1966 :slight_smile:


PS Diff removal is tricky if you do not have access to a lift - with one - a piece of oily cake.

Alex, what happened that required removing the diff?? If I remember your laundry list of jobs for this winter, I don’t recall any of them needing a diff removal. I’m sure I’m missing something here (as usual)

Greg Z
'72 Sprint

Wasn’t it to fit a 3.5x diff for the forthcoming Alpine excursion?

BTW to remove the diff (apart from removing the top brace) I also found I needed to remove a section of the fuel pipe that went through the chassis section immediately above the diff. I don’t know if that is the standard route for the pipe.


Exactly…Thanks Paddy!

The Alpine trip though has now become a trip to Le Mans via goodwood. The 3.54 diff and adjustable A frames are to improve the motorway performance…

Cheers all.

Alex B… :sunglasses:

Alex - Any chance of a blow by blow account of how things go with the diff removal? I’ve got to take mine out over the winter for an overhaul and as its been over 20yrs since I last looked at it - and then with the body off - things are a bit hazy.


Swapped mine over during the summer. I found it more of a problem putting back than getting it off. Laying on the floor and lifting it back at the correct angle single handed took a bit of effort.

Ok Guys,
I will photo’ and discribe the job as I go. Having only 2k mls under its belt since full resto’ and of course rebuilding the diff’ complete with new mounts etc, I am not anticipating any problems. Everything was well copperslipped! And all new fastners used. But, this was all done with the chassis on a nice height trolly I could move around my garage. The body was at option 1 at the same time. So with any luck?

      The other massive advantage is my 4 post lift. To be honest, if I did not have this I would give the job to a garage I trust (Few n far between!) The thought of doing it without the lift brought back memories of fitting the exhaust! Gods struth! getting below the car was a nightmare. Anyway.. I consider myself very very fortunate to A..Have the space and height.. and B.. the resourses to allow me to own such a wonderfull device.

It is awsome. Most of my mates use it also. I have even had our bike club round with bikes various up on the lift for service. I enjoy just watching (down John!!) and offering advice and help if needed. And I keep the kettle on the boil.

     Needless to say anyone needing to use it is welcome  (and that does include you Dave!) But I am aware of the logistics. But It's here anyway for anyone.. No charge.. Free. You can even use my tools. The only condition is .. I will not leave my Elan on the driveway, so the job needs to be finished same day.

     Fair enough?

     I am stocking up the fridge with 'fuel' and about to get stuck in. Trusty camera to hand!

     Keep you posted!    :wink:  :wink: 


Alex, you’re not considering a move to the sunny south by any chance are you? I can recommend the Oxford area - all that culture, only ever rains when you’re on holiday somewhere else, streets paved with gold etc. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Don’t tempt me Stuart! The weather up here just now is awfull. All those toys in the cupboard (Down again John!!)
and I can’t take them out to play. Oh how I wish the climate was drier up here!

:cry: AB…

Good luck Alex - what a few extra millimeters of clearance would have made to this area in terms of language and damaged paint!



Message deleted jimj, sorry for offending :blush:

Hi All,
Went out and looked at the job this morning! Hummed and Haad, decided way ahead/planned job… Went back in and put the kettle on. A little at a time methinks. I might jack up the rear this pm and take the wheels off.

      Well its a start!


EEEMMM! Drank the tea and started. Wishbones are off and in the workshop to have the turnbuckles fitted. Taking a deep breath just now and about to cut the 50mm or so section of tube out. I will then machine the tube inserts from McGill to suit the tube I/D. Center the lot and weld them in. I will have these finished soon. God knows why I am motoring on with this. Jst like to have these things finished and done with.

I will take some pics later…


Yes, You had better crack on Alex, as your new ratio diff is winging its way to you, even as i type. It left today on a 1-2 day service, UPS, but in my experience, they have only ever taken 1 day, so look out for it tomorrow.


Oh and Alex, whilst i remember it, remove the nearside, top diff mounting bush, after you have dropped the bolt out of it, as it will foul the offside ear of the ally casing, as you manhandle the diff out.
