Dash letters

I should have read past forums more carefully!
I was excited to get in the mail a while ago the ordered sheet of words and letters for my plus 2 dash.
The dash was at last finished but for the last couple of coats of varnish after the lettering was applied; I got out the sheet. thinking all the while it was letraset…
Of course, it isn’t. It is silly clear sticky plastic - why anyone would think a newly restored dash should be subjected to such a tacky product escapes me!
Has anyone found a source for letraset? Regards, Bill.

Lettraset is available in the U.K. at most good stationers,unfortunately I’m off to Corfu next week for a fortnight or I’d source some for you

Someone else in the U.K. ???

John :wink:

You can buy Letraset products from their web site. I am sure these products are widely available in Australia. Unfortunately Letraset has removed the “where to buy” tab for any obvious location on their web site.

Try a drafting supplies store. They usually have a large collection of lettering. Of course there may be none left on the planet as the only one I knew of closed a long time ago.

Thanks so much for your help. So far, no luck. I found a similar product , that is a product not unlike letraset, made in Belgium, but nothing in 3mm white capitals in Australia.

No luck whatever in Australia either for letraset although I followed several leads to their exhaustion. One ex supplier said that white lettering had been the hardest to get!!

If anyone has a contact for a supplier, anywhere in the world, of letraset, or similar, white capitals 3mm high, I would be most delighted if you would let me know so I can phone them and place an order.

Kind Regards, Bill

Have you tried Letraset direct? As Russ said, you can buy online and they have an international delivery service. They list Helvetica condensed in 3mm white but Univers (which I believe is the correct font?) is not listed unfortunately:


Mecanorma also did dry transfer lettering, don’t know if they still exist however.

I thought the original letters were tacky clear plastic I have seen them on at least 2 original dash boards? you can only tell if you look very closely though?

Hi Bill
couldn’t see it in any of the replies and not sure if it’s the same for plus 2 but my S4 used Letraset number 683 - this was 15 - 20 years ago but should still be the same now.


I thought that the font was 10pt. Microgramma bold extended, can anyone confirm the correct font & size? I have had no luck with the Letraset web site or even when I contacted them. I was told it is no longer available only the fonts listed on the web site. I could have a special order made but the site is quite confusing as to what the cost are & how you should go about it. It looked to me like you have to send them a graphic file, so I think it is geared more to custom items such as logos etc.
I have had no luck in Ontario, Canada, sourcing it, Curry’s a major art supply co. don’t have any sheets left.
Any confirmed sources would be apprecitated.


I have some white 3mm Letraset sheets that I would be willing to sell you, not 100% certain they are the actual font originally used but to my ‘untrained’ eye they do look the same as the ones on my old dash !

As for the original I’m reliably informed that the process of ‘photo etching’ was used to place the lettering on them ? IT is for sure that a wee man was not sat in a corner with a Letraset sheet :open_mouth:

Without prejudice and despite maybe loosing my sale here have a look at allout-graphics.com/ they seem to do what we need !! Please let me / US ALL know how you get on with them as they may well be worth remembering for this forum ?

I’m presently at work overseas and then on holiday in Vietnam till 9th Oct if you haven’t got sorted drop me a line

Cheers & Beers

Speak to your local sign writers, they should be able to make up all the words for you in cut white sticky back vinyl in the correct font and size very cheaply. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about letter spacing as they do that for you!

There is another way… make an INT “rubdown”
find a local graphic service agency, and send them a file of what you want.
Letraset lettering is basically the same thing, only you have to put the words together yourself letter-by-letter. With an INT you put the words together in your file then they run the print… viola! You can do multiples of each word, so if you get one on crooked you can re-do it. As a side note you also have complete freedom in terms of font and color (the service agency will likely ask for a PMS or “pantone number” - for stock lettering just tell them “white” or “process white”). These service agencies generally cater to graphic design professionals and do things like large format printing, color separations for screen printing, and mounting prints on boards. Probably more expensive than a sheet of letraset, but should provide better consistency, and gives you more flexibility.
-Evan CC
1969 FHC #8624

Is the INT a transfer system like Letraset, applied the same way?
I don’t like the vynel letters as they are too thick & would require too many layers of varnish to cover them.

Yes, the INT is applied exactly the same way as letraset rubdown letters.
The material is usually very thin, much thinner than vinyl lettering. In fact if there is a problem with INTs it is that they are a little delicate until you get the clearcoat on. If memory serves, the letraset letters I used to use were a little more robust than most INTs. Of course, once you get the clearcoat on this shouldn’t matter one way or the other.

If you work in an organized manner, and protect each graphic as you put on the next, you shouldn’t have a problem. Even if one or two get nicked in the process, you can just scrub it off and re-apply.

I guess this points out a benefit of owning an S2 - no lettering!

Well after a bit more digging it appears that Eurostile is the same as Microgramma

I have maybe found a company who would make them up for us as per the attached (which is obviously 4 sets on one sheet) is there much interest out there ?

Dash Wording.pdf (15.1 KB)

I did do my dash with a silk screen process taking it to a graphics place and they set it all up, copying font from pieces of original and silkscreening on the letters in white epoxy–just like original. I laid out on paper the spacing, what the labels should read (there are actually several variations, duh) and took that as a template along with some of the stripped original veneer to match font and letter relatiosnhips. The stick on letters/words are only good as a 20 footer which is what I had on the nonoriginal dash when I got the car. Silk screened letters are perfect given how much time you must have spent refinishing the dash or paying for refinishing and the result is markedly superior. Gordon Sauer

I have, with your help, now found Letraset! I have had a most helpful response from them.
They say Letraset 683 is not recognised by them but that if I can provide more information they might be able to advise of any differences between the original and what they now have.
Is there a concluded view as to the name and size of typeface originally used? Regards, Bill

Hi Bill,
I have the original sheets that I used 15 - 20 years a go, and it is the right one for an S4

Reading off the sheets:

Letraset instant lettering Spacematic heat resistant
No 683 - USA Order No 54-12-CLN



Hi Bill,
I live in Adelaide and was faced with the same dilema a few months ago, A kind person in QLD sent me an old lettering set he had from England that was on very thick backing or using Lettraset that he also sent (to this person if you are reading I still have your bottle of good SA red to send to you!!, it is comming!!).
I opted for using the “thick” lettering upon the advice from the guy who fitted my new veneer to the dash.

The reality is you need to put at least 10 to 15 coats of varnish on your dash and the thicknes of the lettering is lost so it does not look that bad. I will post some pictures over the week end of my dash.
The reason why I didnt use lettraset is it is very difficult to get the spacing even on the dash and also keeping them all in a straight line!!!

Cheers Darren