Dash Fan switch problem, rocker type

Has anyone got a spare switch I could buy?

The high speed position on the Elan fan switch started not to work, I removed the switch cleaned up the internal contacts, reassembled, tested it and found a bad connection where the spade connector Is rivetted, see photo… It’s slightly loose, enough to stop the fan running.

I can’t see how to reliably tighten or replace the rivet… any ideas?

FYI - the fan switch is exactly the same on the 130/5 dash.


is it an original switch or a repro? I believe the original ones can be dismantled (probably not too many times), which would enable to inspect the inside for carbon deposit (quite a bit of current in the fan), and possibly tighten the rivet thanks to both side access.

other than that, soldering (like for electronics) ? watching out for plastic damage, I would use a large soldering to have enough heat capacity and heat quick and out, before too much heat is transmitted to the plastic. I see some oxidation (greenish color), application of reducing contact grease may be of help, too…

Thanks Nic,

It’s an original, I guess it has had the wiring detached a few times and so the pulling and pushing the wiring on and off would loosen it. I did fully dismantle and clean up the internal contacts springs etc… then found the loose spade connector later.

I suspect the solder will not hold if the contact has movement, so I may try dismantling again and squeeze the rivet up - but it doesnt look too strong to me.


Looks like that rivet has ben peened over more than once…

John :wink:

Maybe drill out the rivet and replace with a tiny screw and nut, 6 BA or 8 BA? or the metric equivalent.

Johns right, comparing to another switch the rivet has been squeezed up before so that’s not an option.

For interest I ran the fan full speed direct from the battery at 12.6v and it’s pulling 5A = 63 watts.

(Slow speed pulls 3.5A)

If I can get the switch sorted should I put a relay on the fast speed? otherwise the switch runs hot.

lotusfan, thanks I hadn’t thought of that one, maybe a last resort…