Hi all.
I did attach a cutaway of the +2. On second thoughts I’ve decided to remove it - worried re comments etc. If anyone wants a copy happy to email.
Hi all.
I did attach a cutaway of the +2. On second thoughts I’ve decided to remove it - worried re comments etc. If anyone wants a copy happy to email.
Huh Huh Huh !?!
Why huh?
What don’t you understand?
Happy to attach the pic here if I don’t get comments re copyright. I’ve removed the labels in the pic and filled in where the arrows from the labels crossed the car. It looks pretty neat as a desktop background.
Thank you, you answered what I didn’t understand, copyright concerns.
I’m no lawyer but I think if you give credit to the artist name/publisher printed on it no one could sqwak. (Hillbilly for complain, or cry foul.)
Do we have an Elanattorney or two out there who know internet copyright nuances? (… I’ll guess they’re all on PorschePages)
Anyone would think Colin Chapman was still alive…
Hi all.
The pic in question is the cutaway of the whole car from the lotus parts manual. In the original it has arrows pointing to areas on the car, and I’ve painted them out - only took half an hour or so while sat in front of the tv.
I’ve turned the whole of the parts manual and workshop manual into pdfs. Very useful.
If it’s ok to share the pic then I’ll repost it.
it’s a 30 old year old pic, i’m sure no one is gonna grumble.
Ok, here it is - don’t be dissapointed - I was just doodling around.
I’ve renamed it to a .doc file to fool the forum into letting me post it - it’s actually a .zip so just rename it to a .zip and extract - there’s a 5MByte .bmp file inside.
Elan+2 cutaway.doc (318 KB)