Hi All,

I am in the process of installing the dash into my S3 following rewiring and as the crashpad was mssing when I got the car - I purcahsed one of those ABS mouldings from Paul Matty and I speak with respect.

i am finmding that the moulding is difficult to fit and align around the new dash- within trimming the edge of the new dash - which is a lot consideraing the difference in shape and the quality leaves much to be desired.

I know these items are rare- but does any one have any ideas or suppliers where I can get a new original style crashpad or have they successfully fitted the PMS fitting with alot of ‘fettling’ around.

Willing to offer mine as template for someone to create a foam filled job and then lay vynyl covering over with inserts for fixings.

this is holding me up on completing the car

Ideas and suggestions welcome and know that this has been on forum before- just thought whether ideas and developments have moved on!!!

Thanks in advance



I had to fit one to my car because I didn’t have an original. In my view they are pretty poor quality and far too expensive.

You will need to trim the edges of the pad quite a bit to make it fit and it was certainly not an easy job.

The end result is acceptable and looks OK but I made the mistake of not padding mine out with foam and it has consequently sagged out of shape a bit, presumably due to the heat of the sun through the screen.

In case anyone else needs a crashpad, I learned later that Susan Miller offers a similar item which is no better but quite a bit cheaper than the PM item.


R Dent has ABS ones where you use the old foam, not bought one myself yet but the car I have came with a new fibreglass one which I am not proposing to use as it is simply not good enough.

If anyone out there in Lotus land has used one of the R Dent crash pads can they please Nico and I know what they are like??

Tony W

Hi All,
Anyone know who made the original dashpads?