My first post…
I am seriously looking at getting an Elan, I have even made space in my website for one… Having restored a couple of cars (a pretty much correct TR250 and a very non-standard Turbo Mini) I just know what a can of worms it can be. So before taking the plunge I intend to spend some time to study this forum and get to know my enemy!!
First thing that comes to mind is the chassis, Seems that worst case is that I would need a new one. I have seen some prices in the UK but what are the ballpark shipping costs from the UK? Or is it better to get a local(ish) Lotus parts place to get one in?
Plus any other hints and tips appreciated.
BTW, dont worry, the Elan will stay pretty much correct… No turbo’s this time
Spyder chassis is currently ?1465.00 less shipping and crating, expect at least another ?500 for that. Tony Thompson’s price for the folded steel chassis is ?1475 from 2009 catalog. Miles Wilkins will also be able to help
Unless you like fixing things that aren’t broken, I wouldn’t concentrate on the cost of replacing the chassis until you locate the car. My car has the original chassis and is nowhere close to needing a new one.
Frank, Yes It would be wonderful to get a car with a nice undamaged non rusty chassis but as I said I have been there before… Its never as simple as we originally think and if I scare myself now and STILL go ahead then more fool me … Plus its good to have these facts in your head when inspecting a car so that you can assess the situation or use them to haggle…
Odds are I will not be buying a nice finished car. My interest in this hobby is in the rebuilding and tinkering, I paint I weld I do the lot so I will probably look for a shabby runner or maybe go the real risky course and go for an abandoned project, as always completeness is the key…
Terry, I finally pulled the body off my S-3 that had been sitting for almost 10 years. No repair needed. I did do some of the mods that are on the internet before stripping and power coating. If you can weld 14 gauge sheet metal there is not much you cant fix. As for buying a chassis, I would check with Dave Bean or JAE here in California. Keep your money here in the states, god knows we need it.
You have a PM. If you need a new chassis you will need to think hard about original vs. Spyder. There are advantages to both. People who say you might not need a new chassis in a 40 year old Elan have not looked at their chassis very carefully. All apologies issued.
Well I tried to PM, the site does not seem to cooperate. I spent $3,000 last September for an official Lotus replacement chassis for my +2, delivered to the east coast of the US. The pound is significantly lower against the dollar now. PM me for details, [email protected].
No thats fine, as I said just ballpark for now, maybe save 20% now that the exchange rate has dropped. I have also heard that because of the empty ships now due to the drop in export/imports the shipping costs have also lowered so the time is good if you can do it now.
I appreciate the Buy US comment earlier but my experience with the Mini was that even with the $2-1UKP exchange rate last year I was still able to get most parts 25-40% cheaper if I bought in the UK… But That was only regular sized parts… Minispares have cut an incredible deal with UPS for shipping, I was ordering on Sunday and getting the parts by Thursday, sometimes Weds…
I am English so back in the days of large baggage allowances I used to fly over there with a small bag and fly back with 2x23Kg bags of spares!! I have a Mate in UK who is capable of shipping so who knows, maybe get the car and a spare chassis sent in the same container… Thats how I got the Mini.
Don’t worry about “buy US” at this point. I tried to go that route but Bean and others seem to be out of the business of supplying chassis to the US. Spyder sell direct to US clients. Ray at RD Enterprises might well bring in a TTR chassis but that didn’t help with my +2. I worked with Chris at Sevens and Elans. Believe me, it does not hurt to work with someone who is fully experienced in the eccentricities of some of the UK suppliers.