My Elan+2 has been laid up for awhile. On taking it for a drive the clutch didn’t feel right, had very little movement and was very fierce. Now the clutch pedal has no movement at all. On inspecting the slave cylinder the dust cover had come off but there was no leak. The actuating rod was hard on the clutch fork without any play. I thought that maybe the clutch cylinder had seized but on draining the fluid from the system I could get movement in the clutch pedal, clutch fork and the slave cylinder also moves freely. However the clutch pedal doesn’t return back to be level with the brake pedal.
I’m now thinking the problem is with the master cylinder but before dismantling the pedal box I thought I’d get others opinions on this.
See if you can shine with a torch or other source of light from beneath up into the pedal assembly, I believe you’d be able to see if the pushrod moves as it should? If you feel slack when lifting the pedal the main cylinder is propably on it’s way to seizeing
Put a piece of cloth around the pipe connection into the Master Cylinder to stop Brake fluid going everywhere. Unscrew the Connector slowly to see if fluid squirts out.
If it lets the Slave Cylinder return the problem is in in the Master Cylinder.
Easier than crawling under the car to access Slave Cylinder Bleed Nipple
Jens very difficult to get a clear view of this, you need to be a contortionist but I guess I going to need to do this to remove the pedal box anyway!
Alan I’ve already drained the fluid from the Slave cylinder. This was the only way to free up the system prior to that everything was locked up.
The clutch wasn’t locked just difficult to operate before the pedal eventually stuck in one position. I would have thought that if the clutch had seized I would still jet pedal movement but no clutch operation.
Still can’t understand why the pedal doesn’t return to its correct position unless the Clutch master cylinder isn’t allowing it to do so.