British car owner from France & maybe Lotus....


I am really enjoy with my of 2 famous british sport car : TVR chimaera & reliant scimitar SE5. But I would to get one day an iconic lotus elan . (+2 better with my 2 children and for my big tall (1m94)). I hesitate too with a elite type 75 …very different and GT profil and maybe little redundant with my scimitar
I am here to get some information before to found the good one.
My first question is to know if I can put my long leg in a +2 . In a tvr it 'll be very easy. In my early SE5, I had to move seat 10 cm further . But for an elan +2??

Welcome Mimic.

We have members here that are taller than you and drive an Elan, you will definitely fit in a Plus 2

Mimic- Welcome. I have a chum who is very ill and has a very nice Plus 2 for sale shortly. Right hand drive. PM me for more details. David.

My 6’7" brother has day in the driver’s seat of mine and fitted fine (pretty much better than any other car he’s tried).

I am 6’2" and fit fine.

Welcome Mimic!

I stand 1,93 and I fit well in the Plus 2. More legroom than my Esprit had!

I stand 1m85 and have a lot of space for legs in my +2
be carefull with the inner height to the headlining , i have space but not a lot

other thing : I’ve got a LHD car and there is less space for feet in that configuration
If you stand more than 1m90 , i think you don’t run with small feet :smiley:

the best way is trying !
were do you come from in france ? there are some +2 owners in france and maybe someone close to you
I’m in north east of france,near belfort, if you want to try in my car


Thank you a lot for your answer and your proposals.
With Covid restriction , difficult to me plan a trip next weeks to test one: I a living in south of Paris area (not so far from famous Montlhéry oval track).
Long leg but reasonable feet dimension :wink:. So elan +2 seems to be suitable in first approach.