when attempting to put a new rubber grommet into the cylinder head (one from air filter box to cylinder head) the rubber grommet was accidently pushed all the way into the cylinder head. What damage can be done if I leave there???
Thank in advance
I’ve rebuilt a couple of engines that had part of the grommets loose inside the chamber, the grommets go hard with age/heat and the inner lip can break off when the grommit is removed leaving the inner lip in the chamber. I’ve never known it give a problem and it can be fished out the next time the head is removed, I would not worry about it as it can’t go anywhere.
I had grommet remains get stuck in the rubber tube (head to engine)
which lead to overflow of the chamber and oil running thru the
pipe, airbox, and down to K&N filter at the front of the car.
Making an oily mess.
On disassembly I never found the grommet remains, but what else
could have caused the mess (I know some remains were in there)?
Yes I can see how the drain tube could get blocked if the bits of grommet got wedged in there and the tube could also have swelled reducing the internal diameter, I dont think “inxs” should have a problem as I think he’s lost the whole grommet in there and this is unlikely to block the tube, anyway the tube can be replaced without removeing the head if it does become blocked.
Just one pointer.
When the grommet is in position it is restrained on both diameters and only a small area is exposed to oil so it should not swell much.
If it gets inside the engine it has the possiblility of getting immersed and saturated with oil, so much more risk of swelling and breaking down.
If you dont fancy removing the head my suggestion would be to find a friendly garage with a bore scope and look inside the chamber and see if it can be retrieved.
(I am guessing you did not put the grommet on the pipe first before trying to fit it as this stops the grommet collapsing in on its self).