Bonnet release cable

Would someone kindly post a photo of where and how the bonnet (hood) release handle / cable bracket is mounted.

A LHD version would be best.


Bob 1969 Elan +2

These pictures are from my 1971 elan +2S. If these are not what you are looking for exactly, please let me know and I’ll try to get a better one.

Cheers, Bart Jan

It appears that your car, also a LHD, is different. My ignition switch is located where the bonnet (hood) release is.

It seems that my car originally had the handle mounted on a bracket and screwed into the rear of the dash. It seems to be a flimsy set up. I am wondering if it was attached to the hand-brake brackets.

I disassembled much of the car without noes of photos. Its almost complete.

1969 Elan +2 (LHD)

Hi Bob
My car is a 1969 built right hander and the bonnet release cable fits into the under dash trim - The bit that covers up the bottom of the dash.

As mine is RHD the cable is fitted into the LHS trim and not into the dash.

You can just see it below the LHS of the steering wheel.

I will be in the shop later this morning. I will be looking for holes in the handbrake bracketry that match the mounting holes in the bonnet/hood release handle bracket. The angle of the bracket has me looking for another mounting point other than the dash.

I will report back.


It appears that the bracket for the bonnet (hood) release cable was not attached to the pedal box / hand-brake brackets / steering column brackets. I did see a pair of holes in one bracket but they did not align with the holes in the hood release handle bracket. They are most likely unused “RHD” mounting holes for the hand brake.

If anyone has a 1969 +2 pre - “S” LHD, preferably federal model, kindly send photos detailing the hood release bracket.



Here are a couple of photo’s I picked up from a web site. They may help you.

Here is the web address

Thanks Dave.

It appears to be yet another bracket configuration and mounting position. Its amazing how many variations thaere are in old Lotii.


I have just fitted new cables to my 69 +2 Fed. They are in these backets under the dash. I am on a trip right now and will not be home for a week. I will take a picture of them when I get home. The dash is not fitted at this time so you will be able to see where it goes. It is not a staight shot. They made an “s”.


Could someone please post an explanation / picture / diagram of what connects to what in the cable?

The manual only instructs on adjusting. I’ve stared at it, a blurry picture pre-disassembly, and new parts from Matty and it doesn’t make sense. It defies either the laws of physics or my understanding. Probably the latter.

The picture in the manual shows the inner cable going from the handle, through the bulkhead and into the outer cable which is positioned between the two latches. The inner cable then seems to go back through the bulkhead on the other side and is fixed there? Wouldn’t that prevent it moving? I don’t get it.

Thanks for any help

(feeling a bit dim)

You have just about answered the question of how to fit the bonnet release cable. The only missing and vital bit is that the end that returns back into the bulkhead has a removable screwed nipple that should be pulled up tight against the bulkhead (inside that car), then the screw tightened to grip the cable. I found this aspect of the job the most frustrating; one hand pulls the cable tight, while the other positions the nipple and the other two hands hold the nipple tight and do up the clamping screw…


I’m just about to attempt to adjust mine. I’ve just run out and taken some pics - anyone remember the days when we had to use film - only a few years ago - anyway, I digress. You should find the pics inline below:

The cable from the handle on the drivers side runs through the bulkhead and into the sheath. The end of the sheath is engaged in the end of a lever that operates the latch. The other end of the sheath is engaged in a similar lever which operates the other latch. As mentioned above the other end of the cable runs back through the bulkhead and is clamped - in my case I’ve used molegrips for the time being. When the handle is pulled, the cable is put under tension, and since the cable loops through 180 degrees and the sheath doesn’t change length, both levers are pulled toward the bulkhead; the cable is not fixed to either end of the sheath, so both levers see the same force. I think that makes sense. It does appear to defy physics though.

All the best.


Thanks Jeremy and Sean… based on Jeremy’s response I was going to confess my continued thickness because I still didn’t get it. “But if it’s fixed on the other end then how does anything move when you tug on the handle”.

Fortunately Sean has saved me the effort of confessing, discerned my mental challenge and has (I pray) given me the answer.

Diabolically Lotus solution.



I will try. OK, as you pull the handle, the outer cable pulls the lever nearest to the handle and opens than side of the bonnet. As you continue to pull the handle, the cross outer housing is tighten up to the “off” latch. As the inter cable does not move, the outer cable pushes in the level on this far side and opens the bonnet on that side. Try this with the bonnet open and you can see how this works. The bonnet always open one side first and than the other opens.

I hope this helps.



Thanks, again, all. I can’t imagine any more information. I’ll just have to try it (being that it’s in the upholstery shop right now it may take a few days. Worst case, I’ll drive to see Bill, with the “lid” off. Only eight hours or so :slight_smile:

The other challenge with this is that the cable (new from P Matty) does not reach the bulkhead on the passenger side. Handle is attached to the dash bracket on the driver’s side - correctly I believe. 54" from handle to tip of inner cable.

See picture - is this the correct mounting? It seems right, but perhaps there is another spot?




That mounting position does not look correct when I compare to mine (1971 LHD Federal, four small gauges on dash, flat switches, no extra switches on lower dash trim).

There is a photo in the last post in this thread that shows my cable bracket mounted directly to the rear of the wood dash board, which is presently removed from the car.


The centre of the cable mounting bracket is approximately 1_1/2" left of the left edge of the steering column cut-out (when viewed from the front of the dash).

The bracket centre is approximately 2_3/4" to the right of the ignition switch centre (when viewed from the front of the dash).

The bracket location ends up slightly right of the centre of the speedo.

The mount bracket is attached to the wooden dash with three Phillips round head self tappers / wood screws. These screws are above the very small wood screws used to attach the lower trim piece to the dash. For Bob, this installation is very firm, with no movement in the bracket. Obviously it would be a big bummer if you used screws long enough to protrude through the front of the dash, so check carefully if you do not have the originals or your replacement dash is thinner than the original!

Mounting in this location should move the mounting bracket approximately 6" to the right of your current position (when viewed from the front of the dash), hopefully providing enough cable length?

I checked on your site and one of your interior reference photo’s in the “before” section appears to show your cable handle in this position, so I think our cars were originally the same. It also appears the same as the RHD photo posted above by carrierdave, which also has the flat switches.

The two net photo’s of the RHD disassembled dash (also posted by carrierdave) appear to be different, with the bracket in a similar position to yours, so there may be variations. I note they are the rat tail switches, so this may be the change-over? :slight_smile:


Wow, Stu, I should be a little red-faced for not having checked my own web site for this! On my computer I found an old engine compartment shot, for that aspect, but never thought…

Anyway, thanks!

I’ve been working (at work, that is) rather flat out the last few months so I’ve had the restoration guys working on the last bits of the car. They’ve done a lovely job and seemed to have it right, but the picture decides it!

How’re you coming with yours?


Y’know, Stu - if you go back and look at the pictures posted by “carrierdave”, a couple years ago in this thread, the handle is mounted just where mine is (wrongly) today. Can’t fault the resto guys to much, I guess.


Hi Keith. Yes, I noticed the pics posted from the web appear to be where your’s is mounted. Didn’t notice it was an old thread though; I have been on vacation for a couple of weeks and just getting on to the site for the first time in a while.

My car is coming along great. I am waiting on a starter motor from Spyder to be able to attach the transmission to the newly rebuilt engine. Starter shipped today.

The body should be just about ready for paint; hoping to have the body back in about four weeks or so. As it usually snows here by Halloween, I will want to attach body to the frame pretty quickly after it is available.

Will be spending all winter trimming out the car. Seeing the progress folks are making on their cars this summer, I am allowing lots of time for the final trimming, dash install, etc.

Need to get a gas heater installed in the garage as it gets too cold to work here in about two months!
